[ChatGPT] 생성시간 변수명 뭘로할까?!
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굉장히 설득력있게 이야기해서 created_at 으로 가려고합니다!!
I am worried about the DB field name.
Which variable name should I use to represent the generated time?
It's a common practice to use "created_at" or "createdAt" to represent the generated time in a database field. Another option could be "timestamp", but this can be ambiguous as it can represent either the creation time or an updated time.
Which do you prefer, "created_at" or "create_at"?
And what is the difference?
I would recommend using "created_at". The difference between "created_at" and "create_at" is that "created_at" is the past participle form of "create", and it correctly conveys that the field represents the time a record was created. On the other hand, "create_at" is not a grammatically correct form and could lead to confusion.
It's a widely adopted convention in database design to use snake_case for field names, and "created_at" is a commonly used field name in many databases and frameworks.
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