University Tuckered Me Out

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

It's 5:55 am and I am trying to write something. University life is getting tougher and tougher as time passes. Sometimes I feel like I am in my adventurous phase of life where I get into daily trouble and I must have to solve those dilemmas in a day. Will try to write this short and will finish within 15 minutes because you know it's quite early and I have to do many things after that. Ignore the grammar or typos :')

The day before yesterday I was unable to sleep because there was a dawat in our house and the guests stayed long. I slept only an hour from 5 am to 6 am and mama woke me up that warisha you have to go university I decided to get some rest and wanted to take a day off then I called the van driver that I won't come today and slept for an hour. At 6:30 all of a sudden my eyes got opened, the thing came to my mind that today miss will give us bonus marks and I can't miss that chance for sure. I shake myself and in 15 minutes the van came. Without eating breakfast I departed from home.

The van kept moving around the roads, picked up many girls, and then at 8:30, I was at university. The class was at 8:30 and usually, the teacher is 5-10 minutes late because our department is at the end of the university and usually the teacher who has the first slot comes late for our class. I was slumberous and you know why already. The whole day I was taking naps between little gaps of one period to another.

We have a submission of our project today and I winded up all the stuff like reports and project detailing etc Mw and my friends were in stress about how will we be doing all the stuff in a short span of time, so I made a timetable for the mental ease that the tasks are achievable.

Let me show you hows our website is looking;


I came home and slept like a dead person and woke up after 2 am did some chores and then wrote a weekly report of curation and now writing this. I am not having ME TIME or anything nowadays, to do something interesting or read a book, cook something special, watch a movie or youTube video NOTHING. I pray to Allah for the barakah in my time Ameen. Seeya soon in another post

 2 years ago 

Thankyou for Posting in Steemit Pakistan.

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Reading this made me think of my own life at the university. Sometimes you don't wanna go to a class but you have to because you're gonna miss something if you don't. I pray that all your stress yields something good for you. Thanks for the update. Your site looks good too, hope people donate some blood🙂

 2 years ago 

Yeah, I am the one who can't work properly without proper sleep.

It is a fictitious website, which means it can be used in solving real-world problems. We have a plan for future implementation.

Thank you for reading through <3

 2 years ago 

Its just one of the phases, Warisha. You'll get through this phase too. Things wil fall back to their place soon. I can relate to your hectic timetable issue. Its so hard to take out 'Me time' in this hustling age. But you got this, girl!
Website looks so cool. Wish you all the success in future :))

 2 years ago 

Thank you soooo much rida for you appreciative comment. I hope the same. ♥️

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