The daily diary game ||Farmhouse scenes.|| 300% POWER-UP

Hello and Welcome to all my fellow steemians...I hope you are doing well in your respected lives and in your respected work and I am very glad that you make time for reading my diary post and appreciated it. So let's get started!

So the day started a little early. I got up at 10 o'clock Then I took off my clothes and pressed my clothes and then I went to take a shower. After taking a shower I had breakfast After breakfast I picked up my pasting roll and went to the ocean mall Then I reached the Ocean Mall and then I went upstairs to the Edenrobe branch and I started pasting Then after pasting i click a pic that I am sharing with you
Then I got down from the mallI and then I got my bike and I left for the office Then I arrived at the office and I sat for a while because I started my work.After that I perform zuhar bprayerand then I sat for a whileAfter that I started playing Pubg game for a while and then I started my work back then I ate food and then after that I offered Asr prayer.Then after that I resumed my work. On the 7 o clock I told my boss that I have to come today so I will go home soon Because I goes to farm house with my friends then I left the office for homeI left the office for home and on the way a lots of traffic then I reached the bottom of my house and I called my friend where are you he said come to friend's house then I went to friend house and then I After a while I came to my house and I made my bag and I went downstairs After that I got down and all my friends were coming. The bus was waiting. Everyone came waiting and everyone was sitting in the bus i click a snap that i am sharing with you
Then after that we went to our friend house and picked up all the food items coldring from there.I picked up the luggage and put it in the bus Then after having all this stuff, we were waiting for our friends because our four friends were coming.Then they came and then we goes to farm house i click a snap that i am sharing with
After that we reached the farm house then the farm owner told us first you show the receipt then I will let you in then we showed him the receipt but he let us in and the servant was counting because our farm city Then we entered the farm. We unloaded the goods from the vehicle and kept all the goods on the farmThen after that we sat for a while Then after that We took out the sheesha and filled them with water and made them flavour then made the ready Then the sheesha was ready and some coals we sat down for a while i click a snap that i am sharing with you
Then after that we ate biryani then after eating we drink coldrings i click snap that i am sharing with you
Then after the dinner And after a while, we went round the playroom, where we played Snooker and table tennis.My friend @bassamjamal and I played table tennis

And then after playing table tennis for a while, we played cricket for a while. It was a playing cricket and it was a lot of fun I play cricket in the morning and then when it was morning it would get very hot and then we went for a swimming pool i click a snap that i am sharing with
In the morning, I clicked some pictures and I will share them with you.

Then we went to the swimming pool and then we didn't move for a while because we were feeling very hot so we stayed at pool and you guys made us very enjoyed And then after a while we had breakfast.
Then after that we had breakfast and then we sat in Room for a while then we sat for a while and again sheesha for a while Then after that we went back to pool and sat down because it was getting very hot outside After that I went to Room I was very tired. I went to sleep. I fell asleep for a while. Then I got up and p and after that we sent a servant there to get some rotti After that we ate lunch and we ate and then the ready for photoshot with my friend @bassamjamal click some pics
After that we packed all our belongings and packed our bags etc. and then you put them in the bus .And then after a while we got out of there. We were so tired
After then we lifed therw Then we reached our area around seven safe and sound.


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