THE DIARY GAME | 2-Feb-2022 | @ubaid008

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

Hey, Assalamualaikum.

Hope you all fine and enjoy your healthy life.

So let's start about today.

I wokeup at 5am for namaz-e-fajar my cousin was at our home so i woke him up because he was not awake at 5 so i had been waking him up for 15 min.
We made wadu and went to mosque for namaz-e-fajar.
All salah's are very great but fajar is always my favorite i don't know why but this always my favorite.

After namaz-e-fajar we sitted in mosque for 10-15 mins and went back to home.
My father was cleaning outside i helped him and i also helped him to fill the water tank.
I was very happy for help my father.

I prepared myself for college then i took breakfast i left home and went to college.
I saw beautiful flowers on the way so i captured the images.

I was very tired i attended 2 classes in a row with complete exhaustion.
Then i bunked 3rd period and went to second class room and i slept there.
At halftime my friends was calling me on cellphone i was sleeping that time i didn't attend call when 5 mins left i wokeup and went to cafeteria.
My friends brought roll and samosas they also didn't eat anything because they was playing cricket and then they came to cafeteria and we ate roll and samosas together ❤


We went to our classroom and they talked about psl
(Pakistan Super League) i am not interested in cricket i am football fan so i was a lil bit bore at that moment so i sitted alone and used cellphone.
Then we did practical (dye fabric) i was stir the solution and watching football highlights.

1:30pm i came back to home and changed my clothes and went to my sister's college to pick her
I brought my sister from her college and went to aman market and bought hand free

I came back to home i was watching kurulus osman i fell asleep watching.
I took nap for 2 hours and woke up for asar's salah i performed salah and went to park as there was no one like before so i went to other park and sitted on bench and watched kids football.
They played great and funny 😅 i think i like thier game.

At maghrib salah after performed i sitted with my friends at hotel and took tea and went to DHA for some work he bought ice cream from McDonald's for me he also ate.


When i came back to home i closed the door of hen 🐔
My hen gave birth 10 hens then i took dinner with my family.

Now i am writing this hope you all like this.
Thank You, Gracias.

 2 years ago 
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 2 years ago 

Well spent day.

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