Steemit Engagement Challenge Combines with Steemit Pakistan Community || Share your views about your Country|| "The Three Rs and Three Cs" Turkey | Club100

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

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Hello to everyone
A very exciting and challenging week awaits us on Steemit. Steemit Engagement kicked off today with a new contest theme to be announced by 7 communities.
On the second day of the competition, I will participate in the Steemit Pakistan community's competition.

I live in Istanbul City of Turkey.
I want to tell you a little about my country. My country is a country that is very rich in terms of culture and people of many nationalities live. One of the reasons why it attracts so many people is its geopolitical position. Turkey is a very beautiful country with a temperate climate and covered with seas on 3 sides. Due to its temperate climate, it is a place suitable for agriculture and animal husbandry, with a large number of jobs.

Of course, with all these beauties, there are also some downsides. After all, the rose is beautiful too, but it has thorns.


The Three Rs(Reasons)

What are the 3 most common reasons why I love my country?

  • Travel in Turkey.
    This may sound simple to you, but Turkey's natural and historical beauties are the main reason why many people from other countries come here. For me, this aspect of my country is very dominant. East, west, north and south are beautiful. Our shores to the seas are very suitable for holidays. It is also very famous in terms of cultural tourism. People from another religion or culture may also feel like they belong here. I think this is a great feature. It does not end with describing the natural, historical and cultural beauties of my country.
  • Hospitality in Turkey.
    Hosting guests is very important in our culture. If someone comes to visit, great importance is given to the comfort of those who come first. The most special meals and desserts are prepared for those who come. Wonderful tables are set. The highest level of satisfaction is provided for visitors. There is also sincerity. Hospitality ends in the first hours, that person is like a host now. This is the case in most parts of my country. To express our happiness, we usually cook our most delicious meals and serve them to our guests.
  • Food Culture in Turkey
    This is perhaps the most well-known aspect of all. Turkey has 7 geographical regions and each region has its own unique dishes. Really!!
    For example, people living in cities in the West and Aegean do not like to eat bitter. However, hot dishes are very popular in our Eastern Region. Even if you are not used to bitter foods, you will get used to it after a while and maybe your taste buds will get used to bitter foods. For example, this is me. My hometown Trabzon is a city from the Black Sea region. Normally, we don't like pain in our city, but I ate the pain so much that I like the pain even more now.


I talked about the positive aspects. Now I will talk about the things I want to change.

The Three Cs(Changes)

What are the disturbing things I want to change in my country?

  • Traffic
    First of all, the biggest and unsolvable problem I want to talk about is traffic.
    Traffic is a very annoying problem in my country, especially in big cities. Let me explain it like this. The distance between the house I live in and the school where I teach is about 2 km. We could go on foot very comfortably in 20 minutes, and by car, we went in 45-50 minutes depending on the intensity of the traffic. can you believe this???
    If we are going to a far place, then it is much worse. You have to leave the house very early. This problem has not been solved for years and unfortunately I do not believe it will be solved.
  • People Throwing Garbage On The Ground
    We all know that while some substances are mixed with the soil, some substances such as plastic do not. This causes environmental pollution. It even causes forest fires. For example, last summer, forest fires broke out in many places in my country. This may be due to other reasons, but fire ash or plastic waste that people leave in forests can cause fires.
    Visually too bad. The garbage collected from the seas every year is too much. I don't think there would be such a problem if everyone threw their garbage in the trash cans. But unfortunately it is very difficult to explain this to people. At the very least, we should raise our children consciously in this regard.
  • People Who Don't Treat Animals Well
    There are many animal lovers in our country. But besides that, there are too many people who are unloving and selfish. There is no creature as innocent as animals. All they want is food and love. However, for some people, even if we do not provide food, it can torment them. We have to love and care for them. Yes, not everyone can take them home, but at least we shouldn't be mean. We may be scared, we may be nervous, but that doesn't mean we have to behave badly. They are our mute friends. Look into their eyes and they all want love, some food :)

Yes, I hope I explained. I felt good writing this article, I thought just like I was writing an article.
Also, I used the italic font on purpose because I love it. The photos I took are mine. Thank you to the Steemit Pakistan community for organizing this contest.I would be very happy if you comment on me. Thanks in advance...

I invite you to this competition @volkiceper @ispin @uzercanan @baycan


Davetin için teşekkür ederim canım. Bende ülkemin guzelliklerini anlatan bir postla katil ağım inslalah. Başarılar dilerim.

Hepimize başarılar🥰 katılacak olmanıza sevindim 🙏🏻

Çok güzel bir post hazırlamışsın Ellerine sağlık canım davetin için çok teşekkür ederim sayende ben de katıldım. 🤗❤️

Rica ederim katılmana çok sevindim🥰

 2 years ago 

3 başlık altında iyi bir tanıtım olmuş. Misafirperver bir millet olduğumuz için şanslıyız. Çünkü dostluk ve akraba ilişkileri gerçekten çok önemlidir. Ayrıca yapılan hazırlıklar karşımızdaki kişiye ne kadar değer verdiğimizi gösterir.

İstanbul'da yaşayanların değişmeyen trafik çilesi. :) Değiştirmek istediğiniz konulara katılıyorum. Umarım zaman herşeyin ilacı olacaktır.

Yarışmada başarılar.

Çok teşekkür ederim 🙏🏻

Ülkemiz kesinlikle cennetten bir köşe. Her bir köşesi doğal güzelliklerle örülü, tarih boyunca bir çok medeniyete ev sahipliği yaptığı için çok farklı ve zengin bir kültüre sahip. Havası doğası ile tam yaşam sürmek için uygun bir coğrafya.
İklimi ile her türlü ürünün yetiştirilebileceği bir yer. Bir çok önemli tarihi yer ülke sınırlarımız içerisinde. Başlı başına İstanbul'u yeter.
Bizim insanımızda yardımsever, sıcak kanlıdır. Eee bu kadar güzel bir memlekette yaşanırsa aksi mümkün değil zaten.
( Umarım yaban ellerde ziyan olmaz 🤗🙈)

Umarım ama pek mümkün değil artık sanki😑

 2 years ago (edited)

Türklerin bu toplulukta yarışmaya katılması güzel bir şans. Çünkü Pakistan ulkesi ile olan dostluğumuzu bir kez daha gösterebiliriz. Güzel ve detaylı anlatımın gayet başarılı olmuş. Başarılar cqnim👍

Çok teşekkür ederim canım 🥰

Her ülkenin, güzellikleri olduğu kadar, birde kötü tarafları vardır, aslın ülke değildir kötü olan.

Kötü olan biz insanlarız. Misafirlerimize verdiğimiz önem kadar, çevremize ve doğaya da önem verirsek, ülkemiz çok daha yaşanılabilir ve daha güzel bir yer haline gelir 🙏

Aynen öyle bir yeri güzelliştirende batıranda insanın ta kendisidir😕

Eve gelen misafir gerçekten de belli bir süre sonra ev sahibi gibi rahat oluyor.Ülkemizin doğası,güneşi ancak bu kadar güzel anlatılabilirdi.Kaleminize sağlık

Çok teşekkür ederim güzel yorumunuz içinn🥰

I loved how you describe what you like about your country and I was amazed to know that you have such a big problem regarding traffic, I live in a small town where we don't have that problem, at a distance of 3 km from my house to my work it takes 5 minutes to arrive, I think the difference is a bit big, very good publication, I loved knowing all those things about turkey, greetings

Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, there is a lot of traffic and if we go by car, the road takes much longer.

I love your level of comprehension, you write as simple as possible and very easy to understand.

You've shared great things about your country which I might as well love to explore in the future to come.

Nice entry, Good luck.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the contest.

Quality ChecksStatus
word count300+
comment count5+
vote count10+

Thank you

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