The diary game || 21-jun-2022 || #Club100 || @tahirazaman

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Asslam-o-alaikum from me to all the users of STEEMIT. I'm fine and I want to know how you are. Today was Tuesday and June 21th and the year 2022 is running

The diary game 21-jun-2022



Morning time breakfast and rain 🌧️ start

  • As a Muslim, like every day, when I woke up today, the Fajr call was going on. I performed ablution and offered Fajr prayers. After the Fajr prayers, I recited the Quran. The weather in our area today was very pleasant.


Today morning weather photography in my home






  • It had rained the day before and there were dark clouds in the sky even today. So I hurried to the kitchen and started making breakfast. First I made tea, then I made prathas and finally I made eggs. Then I would go to the children who were still sleeping. I woke up the children and refreshed them. Then I had breakfast with the children. We were all eating breakfast when it started to rain. The weather is very nice today


  • The rain will start at 7 o'clock in the morning. I went to the kitchen after breakfast and washed all the dishes thoroughly. Then I swept the kitchen. Because it was raining outside. Then my son called out to me that my little daughter would wake up and she was crying. I hurried to the room and took my daughter in my arms. I breastfed my daughter. My daughter will be quiet after breastfeeding. Then I laid my daughter in the cradle. It was raining outside.



Okra vegetable cooked for lunch

  • It rained for a long time and I thought of making bhandi vegetable for lunch. First I cut the okra into small pieces then I cut the onion. Then I put cooking oil in a pot and put onion in it and also added a spoonful of salt.


  • When the onion was well cooked, then I mixed the bhindi. I also added green chillies, turmeric, dry coriander powder and red chillies and mixed well. Leave to cook on low heat for ten minutes. After ten minutes, the vegetables will be cooked.


Then I baked bread. In the rain, the time was not known and it was one o'clock in the afternoon. The children were very hungry and then I ate lunch with the children. Then the rain will stop for a while



Cut the mango in the afternoon

  • It was two o'clock when Bash stopped today. Then the call for Zuhr started in the mosque. I performed Wudhu and offered Zuhr prayers. Today the children told me that my mother did not drink tea today. Today you will cut us mangoes and eat them together. I cut two mangoes and ate them with the children. I love mangoes too and my kids love them too. Nowadays it is mango season and mangoes look very good in this season


I made pakoras this evening

  • When we ate mangoes, then the call to Asr started. I performed Wudhu and offered Asr prayers. Then today we thought of making potato fritters. First I cut the potatoes then I cut the onion and some green chillies along with the potatoes. Then wash all the ingredients thoroughly. Then I put 200 grams of gram flour in a pot and 100 grams of stomach with it, then a spoonful of baking soda, then I put potatoes and onions and mixed well, then add salt and red chillies.



  • Then add pomegranate seeds and hot spice powder and mix well. Then I put the pan on the stove and put the cooking oil in it and when the cooking oil got hot I put the mixture in the oil with the help of a spoon


  • This is how I made all the fritters. Which became very tasty. We all ate together. It was cold and raining today anyway



Special Mention:
@haidermehdi // @vvarishayy // @hassanabid // @steemit-pak // @event-horizon//
Regard @tahirazaman ✍️❤️


 3 years ago 
Quality ChecksStatus
 3 years ago 

I am very thankful for your response @event-horizon

 3 years ago 

Masha ALLAH you have good photography skills. Food you cook always looks delish.

 3 years ago 

@iqraa100 Sister, I try to share whatever I can. May Allah help us all to live in a state of faith. Amen

 3 years ago 


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