The Daily Diary Game| 5-Feb-2022 |The Day of Kashmir by @shezikhan

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

How are you I hope you are all good fine by the grace of Allah Almighty who is most merciful Today the date is Five Feb as we know it is day of Kashmir This day is known as Solidarity Day The people of pakistan nit forget the long pending issue The reason of This day is to convey a message that pakistan would not step back an inch from its stated position on the issue we are stand with the people of Kashmir this is not just issue of Kashmir this is the issue of pakistan This is a issue of mine I love kashmir this is a part of pakistan India says Kashmir is an issue of cross border terrorism India also says that Kashmir is part of them but if its true so why we see the deaths of Kashmir peoples why the lost their lives why the waste their time in protest and why they crying they are also human my post is not about to prove and show india is a good or bad i dont know but i just say Kashmir is part of pakistan this is our place we always stand with kashmir i also make a the image of kashmir reality condition that kashmir face today we just pray the reason of my post writing is not for any reward my reason is that to tell kashmir people we will forget kashmir we love you and we are always stand with you

The every man the every child of pakistan know that Kashmir is a part of pakistan i hope india understand this issue this issue not solved by one side this is type if issue that solved by together


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 2 years ago 
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