The dairy game 1/12/2021

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful May Allah protect you from every need and may Allah grant you every good and heartfelt desire. May Allah give you the strength to always tell the truth and protect you from lying. May Allah make you obedient to your parents. May Allah remove all your difficulties and worries. May Allah Almighty make you a servant. May Allah Almighty grant you the opportunity to serve your parents. May Allah Almighty protect you from all diseases and may Allah Almighty grant you good health because health is a blessing of Allah Almighty. May Allah Almighty make your every destination easy, may Allah Almighty grant you the opportunity to help the poor and may Allah Almighty grant you success and prosperity at every turn and may Allah Almighty bless you.

After waking up early in the morning and doing light exercise for the first time, I washed my face and I said, my son, breakfast is ready. Have breakfast. Opened first cleaned two ears and then I sat at my shop for 2 3 hours. After closing the shop, I cut the grass for my animals from outside and rested a little at home and then put fodder for my animals. There was a lot of work in the house. I finished my housework and then after that my friend told me to go to the farm. Hurry up. Later we both got on the motorbike and started walking towards the farm. When we reached near the farm, the children were playing net on one side and we reached the hen farm. She was eating a large number of chickens. They had a separate system. They had a separate room which they kept in a separate room. The hens and hens used to lay eggs when the fluid entered and the balance was being maintained for them. We bought some hens and hens and then came back home and then when we came back home it was Zuhr time and then we When I came back to my house, I rested for a while and then after that my mother said, my son, the tea is ready, come and drink some tea. I called my friend and said let's go play volleyball. I offered Asr prayers and then when I came back home my friend's call came. The boys who were playing volleyball came and slowly all the boys gathered and we went to play volleyball again. There was good competition between the two teams. It was evening time while playing volleyball. So it was getting dark. I came home and washed my hands first and then we had our embroidery system today. We made embroidery on a friend's seat. I had six hundred friends together. One friend made the embroidery and the rest of us gossiped. And then when the embroidery was ready, we all made the embroidery together. The embroidery was very tasty. After eating the embroidery, the friend said: There is also a system of bowing and crowing. We all made copies and then walked towards the house. When I came back home, it was time for Isha Adhan. It was night and then I got ready for bed and after that I slept comfortably in my bed.





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