Insomnia Or Demons under my bed?

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone!
I hope all of you are fine

So I wanna share an experience of mine that I guess including me many of the people face.

It happens to me a lot that when I try to sleep at night but I can't and it is the feeling that my bed is just biting me in some sort of way to keep me awake. But I know that is just my conscious and there are no demons under my bed (really there aren't).

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But the problem isn't always staying up late at night you can have some me time you can do something productive in that time and if you've someone to talk to then that's brilliant but if you're alone than the problem arises when you start over talking to yourself and start overthinking about certain thing and this mostly results in retrieving your past bad experiences, some traumatizing ones too which just pushes you into the thought that the person who can't even control his sleep schedule, how can he control the directions of his life in future.

Most of the time you've some important work to do in the morning like going to office, university or anywhere else but still you get caught up in this process which affects your productivity in that work which you were supposed to do the next day and the consequences are never good when you can't give your hundred percent in something.

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Many people will give you tons of opinions to reschedule your routine, some will say that start listening to some soothing music, some will say to read a book, some will say to pray before sleeping and I'm not denying from those people. Yes, all of that stuff do work but till a certain point and then the cycle keeps repeating.

Now the question arises why am I writing all this and what's the solution?
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So the reason I'm writing this is because it's 4 in the morning and I'm going through the same situation right now. So every time I experience this, I try new things and believe me writing all of this did help me to focus on just one thing but it took my enough time and as usual I've to wakeup at 7:30 A.M for my university so here I am.

But If you experience this than just make a friend who also stays up at night and can talk to you believe me it's the best solution I have so far not the perfect one but still better from other options.


 3 years ago 

I can relate to your post it happi to me also and I can work whole night and can do all the work actively.

But it also feels annoying sometime that you're trying to sleep but you can't.

 3 years ago 

Yeah agreed 💯 and whole thoughts, worries comes in mind that time. May Allah give you healthy life ahead Ameen, always recite Aayat ul kursi before sleep it's will definitely help.

 3 years ago 

Same problem here.
It's almost 9 am and I haven't slept yet and still feeling fresh and sometimes I sleep like a dead person.

If you experience this than just make a friend who also stays up at night and can talk to you believe me it's the best solution I have so far not the perfect one but still better from other options.

I don't think it's a good idea not every time we can talk to some friends maybe you have some exceptional case but still it would become an addiction.

I can't try this, I don't even try to sleep if I'm not feeling sleepy. I start some other chores or simply reading a book or start studying. Studying can drive you in sleepiness.

I tried almost everything to solve this problem last year but nothing worked. Because I wasn't going into the dept of my problems. Stress, anxiety, depression, past thoughts and a lot more was happening. The problems are still but I've calm myself down by yoga meditation and etc. Don't know you like it or not but you must try if you have the same issues like mine.

Sounds like the same issue like mine.

And yes you are correct about talking to someone everytime can be addictive and if even once that person is not available than the anxiety level just multiplies.

I've never tried yoga or meditation so thanks for telling me that I'll try it for sure.

 3 years ago 

This just like a Sajda position and Allah gave us this position in Namaz afterall. This is very best position for our mental health. Thanks to remind.

 3 years ago 

Yes indeed. Beside the religious point of view Namaz is beneficial for our physical and mental health.

Btw it's a YouTube video.

 3 years ago 

Yess i understand

 3 years ago 

Ps: try to add sources of the pictures you put in your posts.

Okay I'll edit the post

I was facing the same problem two months ago, whenever is try to sleep my mind doesn't let me sleep my condition was same as you i could not find out and consult my doctor he told me that this is anxiety and depression, I took medicine in which a sleeping pill was included but after 15 days doctor stop my medicine, i did not sleep alone and trust me i sleep whole night now you can also consult to doctor and try not to sleep alone i can relate to this situation and understand what would be the condition of mind if a person couldn't sleep

Thanks for the suggestion I'll consult to a doctor if it gets any worse

 3 years ago 

This problem is same here,i also wake late night and try to sleep but couldn't. I am worry about my insomnia

Just don't overthink about it try to distract your mind I know it's easy to say in words but we can just try and give better suggestions to each other

 3 years ago 

Yess you are right

 3 years ago 

Don't consume caffeine before going to bed, at least 1 hour before bedtime stop using screens, try reading any book of your choice before in bed, read that you can in comfort of your bed, in no time you'll doze off.

Not using screens before bedtime can be helpful other than that I never consume caffeine at night time

 3 years ago 

hope it helps

 3 years ago 

The content of this post is nice @shaheer182. This happens to me sometime too. I literally appreciate the solution you give but I guess the prefect way to get rid of this type of situations is to recite "Ayatul Kursi". Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “If one recites Ayatul Kursi before going to sleep, Allah will send an Angel to come and look after you and protect you.”✨

Thank you so much for the appreciation and I respect the suggestion you gave me I'll try this on regular basis from now

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