Quick Update | Daily Diary | Club75 | 3/8/22

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

With rainy season going on in Karachi I am so sad to admit the fact that instead of enjoying rain I have to lock myself in a room with books for next couple of months atleast. If studying for 12+ hours a day makes me fall into a category of nerds, then its okay you can call me a nerd. But currently, I am at the most difficult phase of my degree. This entire year I was thinking 2nd year is all fun and games until I got the examination forms.
You people might be thinking why I am not posting these days. To sum up my life situation these days, I decided to come up with a post today.


I had to rush to university early in the morning today to get the examination forms. I wanted to get it asap, do all the formalities and submit it.
I woke up at 7:30. Got fresh and changed into a casual kurta with trouser. Then I applied sunblock and other essentials, made my hair, took couple of fruits from the table and grabbed my bag to leave the house. I left at 7:50 am and reached to university at 8:15 am. I saw a vending machine right when I entered university, a new addition I must say.


To my surprise, the student desk was closed at that time. Although their timings was from 8 to 1 but still it was close. Being late is quite normal for government officials I think. While I was waiting for the desk to open I took a picture of flower that I picked from nearby plant. Weather was also pretty cool today.


After they came at 9 am and I got my examination form by 9:15.
I quickly filled the form and left for bank because I had to pay the examination fees at the bank.


After almost half an hour I got done with bank work and quickly rushed back to university. Attached all the required documents and submitted it back to the student desk.
After finally submitting the form successfully, I left for home and on my way I picked up fries to satisfy my hunger.


After reaching home I changed into comfy clothes and took a short nap.
I woke up at 1:30 pm and offered Zuhr prayer. After which I made myself confortable at study table and started studying.


I kept on studying till 5 pm in the evening and then came out of my room to greet my father as he was back home. I made tea for the family. And enjoyed tea time with some yummy bakery items.


After tea time I offered Asar prayer. Then spent some time at terrace with my mother. She told me about her morning errands and what she is going to make for the dinner. Then I also told her about my morning errands. We exchanged some updates until it was maghrib time. Then I offered maghrib and went back to study.
I studied till 10 pm. After wrapping up the today's study task, I ate dinner.


And then I helped my mother to clean up the kitchen. After which we both sat down on a couch to watch television with a cup of green tea in our hands. It was a good end to a day. Even tough, at the back of my mind, I was stressing about my next day's study task. But we both had a good time together.

I would end my diary here. I hope you liked it. I will be back with another post as soon as I get time on my hands. Till then, stay blessed and take care of your self :)
Good bye!
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If you are reading this till the end lots of love and well wishes for you
See you all tomorrow
Have A Nice Day

 2 years ago 

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 2 years ago 

May Allah Paak succeed you dear.
I enjoy reading your diary. The food is looking yummy.

Best wishes.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the prayers. I really need them.
Thanks for visiting my post. You have sucha kind soul ❤️

 2 years ago 


Life as a student is tough really, I can understand as well as I am a student too. you have to be very vigilant otherwise you are left behind. that's what I have learnt.
great diary though. keep growing.

 2 years ago 

You are absolutely right. Hustle never ends, I guess. Thanks for visiting my post ❤️

No problem, :)

 2 years ago 

I miss my university fries 😭 That's very nice that you've a courage to submit your fee yourself.. 👏 woh bhi bank me!! Wah

 2 years ago 

Yeah, it was an easy task. I am sure you can do it too. We just need a little kick to come out of the shell that we have created around us. More power to you ❤️

 2 years ago 

Yes you're right. In our country there is less Punctuality everywhere even if you're on time then you've to wait. But atleast you have submitted your form easily and early. May Allah pak gives you success and Best of luck for exams. (:

 2 years ago 

Ameen. Thankyou so much ❤️

 2 years ago 

The stress of exams preparation 😂😂
May God give you success in exam

 2 years ago 

May ALMIGHTY ALLAH give you success!
As usual very well written!
Keep writing and sharing

 2 years ago 

Best of luck for your exam,and it's true we can't enjoy when our exam on our head 🙄 nice post btw 👌😇

 2 years ago 

I can relate these days are so so busy due to studies i too hardly get time to post .. but studying for your goals is must no matter what people call you

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