My Creativity - Love❤

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago


Well, I must say this is a great community to host this great and admirable contest. Creativity is an art that not everyone has. We do see people with it but don’t know how to mound and develop it. My creativity lies in love. Follow me as I take you down the road of love in my creative ways.


That angelic girl over there took my heart. I thought I was not alive but I felt that heartbeat bib by bib. That was when I realized I was alive but my heart was stolen. I said to her, “Hello, an angle like you standing around can make us lose our breath. Your appearance is something unusual. I haven’t met a creature as outstanding as you. Would like a walk with me.” She blushed and said, “Why not?”


I took her around the town as if I was okay. I was adjusting wondering how I will let her know that this moment is the only moment I have lived in my life. My blood pressure was normal and I could feel that there was a new meaning to life just being with her. I imagined how her father will feel always being with her. I felt like stealing her but on the other hand, it would be a good idea to rent my heart to her because she just had a room that I don’t think I can take back again. How much will she pay for it because I think that space is for a lifetime?


Just a sight of her alone is enough for an energy refill. Her smile alone is worth the world. I don’t know but going against everyone else for her wouldn’t be a problem for me. I just realized that I have been there for this day. Today is the day I felt that Allah created me to live to see this day. I can’t imagine myself without her. The code of my life has had a problem since the day I programmed it. The errors couldn’t be debugged. I wondered why but I got to realize it lacked a semicolon. She was the semicolon of my life’s c++ code. Its results were great when she passed by. I can’t afford to miss her again.


You are imagining how she is? Don’t worry. Raise your head to the sky, look at the sun and the moon. The sun gives the moonlight. That’s the hope the moon has. It doesn’t matter how used up it is, it will still shine when the sun comes. She is the sun and I am the moon. She gives me the light to bright at night giving me hope to make my impact. I know the world is promising with her.


She has taken me away. My friends keep complaining about them not seeing me. I made them know that when you find that special person that stole your heart, make as many memories with her because you might not know the number of those moments you would have with her. I might never come home. Not that I don’t like home, but I found my new home in her. Until I run of time, that would be where I will call my home. My head in her arms alone adds more life to me than any other thing.


Take care brothers. I’m with her. Until we meet again. Take good care of yourself. I have found the rib that I lost. I can’t misplace it again.


This is my creativity. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Thanks for passing by.




You are imagining how she is? Don’t worry. Raise your head to the sky, look at the sun and the moon. The sun gives the moonlight. That’s the hope the moon has. It doesn’t matter how used up it is, it will still shine when the sun comes. She is the sun and I am the moon. She gives me the light to bright at night giving me hope to make my impact. I know the world is promising with her.

Wow. Anytime you speak about love, it brings me back to life and tells me to leave the single zone. It seems I’m missing a lot from there.

Love Dr. Thanks for always giving us a daily dose of love.😊


 2 years ago 

What Beautiful writing. Love to read it its really amazing.
Very best of luck for the contest

Thank you

 2 years ago 

This is a wonderful story of your love.I hope your contest name comes up
Glad to hear the world of your story

Thank you 😊

 2 years ago 
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