My views about Nigeria, my Country|| "The Three Rs and Three Cs"

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)



Hello my wonderful friends and fellow steemians here in steemit Parkistan, first of all I want to express my gratitude for the privilege to share my views about my country in this foreign land as it were. I am right in Parkistan and here I am talking about Nigeria that is far away. Parkistan and Nigeria are not any close, about 6689km away. You can imagine.

The screenshot from my Google search reveals the answer.


Greetings to you all here present, today I will like to share 3 things I like about my country and 3 things I will like to change in my country. Please read on let me tell you about it.


My Country, Nigeria

My country can be found in Africa. She is endowed with many natural landmarks and parks. It is made up of 36 states with its capital territory in Abuja. It is a multicultural and multilingual country with 3 major ethnic groups which are Igbo, Housa and Yoruba. I am from one of these major ethnic groups precisely Igbo. Nigeria is divided into 6 geopolitical zones and they South south, South east, south west, North East, North West and North Central. I am from South east.

Currently, my country is practicing Democratic system of government with Muhammadu Bihari as the president. This system of government, on its holistic approach is the best for my country considering the diversity.


3 Things I like about my country

Like the saying goes, "no one will say that his or her mother's soup is not the best", I am standing on my ground to say that my country has so many things that I like about it. I grew up in my country and I have not had the previllage of travelling out but I know much about other countries.

The people

I have travelled to most major cities in my country and I have also had dealing personally with the people of these 3 major ethnic groups in my country like the Housa and Yoruba. I am from Igbo and as such I know how we behave. Majority of the people in my country are hospitable and kind. They place the welfare of strangers ahead of their own. This has resulted in so many foreigners migrating to my country for greener pastures.

The people are hardworking and can survive on their own even without government assistance. We are used to providing for ourselves without looking up to anyone and that is why when we finally receive the help, we deeply appreciate and value it.

The people are always willing to learn skills that can help them earn a living. They travel far and near out of the country to bring home their goods and learn to render some services. They take pride at the result of their hard works, and they pass on their skills to their children.

Natural Endowment

My country is naturally endowed with natural resources that has attracted so many foreigners. Natural Endowments like crude oil, minerals, fertile lands, cash crops, Forest and rivers, just to mention but a few. In my hometown for instance, we grow rice and other farm produce without the application of fertilizer. Due to the vast farm land we have, we practice farm rotation. We can come back to farm on a particular land after like 4 to 6 years. Let me show you a video I uploaded some time ago when I visited my dad's rice farm land

Here is our proposed palm plantation

What about our rivers, we have River Niger and River Benue are our two major rivers that is shown in our coat of arms as a Y. In my village for instance, we are surrounded by smaller rivers. There is no entrance or exit route that you can not cross river. Here is a video of me in our proposed palm plantation which has a river as the boundary

Cultural Diversity

As I earlier opined, my country is made up of different ethnic and cultural Diversity. With these diversities comes out cultures which spice up everything. Life is not boring when you travel around my country especially during the holidays. December and August/September are months of cultural exhibitions. Ranging from new yam festivals which are marked by masquerades, different foods, dance and music.

If you are able to attend most traditional marriages, you will quickly notice these differences as different delicacies are served which form their cultural heritage. The Igbos does theirs differently, the Yorubas and the Housas and so are all the other ethic groups. The diversity is what I cherish so much. You will always meet new things. Wherever you go, you will start learning new things as though you have traveled outside the country. It is just amazing.

  • Are you not attracted to my country by just these 3 things I mentioned above? You certainly will want to visit my country to be close to nature, hahaha 🤣🤣.


3 Things I Will Like To Change

Change is constant everywhere and as such as humans, we always yearn for a better tomorrow. Everyone wants a change irrespective of where you are. Therefore, I will like to suggest that the following be changed in my country

  • Legalization of cryptocurrencies

My country, despite being a democratic state yearns to control all her citizens earnings and in fact, everything they do. But due the system in place, it is not possible. However, they still look for those areas they can control and make things difficult for it's citizens. Recall that I earlier said that the people in my country are industrious, they try hard to see how they can support themselves without waiting for the government to help. Majority of them have embraced this era of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies and of course, that is why we are all here in steemit, struggling to survive. But the country is not helping matters at all. From time to time they Inact laws that will make things difficult for us to access the crypto world.

I will be glad if cryptocurrencies and Blockchain is legalized so that we can transact businesses freely with it.

Economic instability And hash economic conditions

The economic conditions in my country are not stable and it always tends to the extreme, whereby the poor masses are being adversely affected. Selfishness is much. The rich and those in government don't have the mind to share or to assist the poor no matter how much they have. They will even enact laws that will reduce the ones the poor masses are possessing. The gap between the rich and the poor is nothing to write home about. If it is possible for us to learn how to share what we ha e with others, then we will not be crying for help. I will really like to see this gap between the poor and the rich breached. Businesses are not thriving especially those owned by individuals unless you have connections with those in government.

Maintenance Culture

We cry of bad road, electricity and housing all because of lack of maintenance Culture. From the head to toe, if we all should apply that culture, some of our problems will be solved.
There are many instances where our roads will show signs of damage but we give deaf ears to it until it claims lives.

Our buildings the same, we waste more resources when we lack maintenance Culture. A stitch in time saves nine is a popular saying and it is very true. When the masses are crying for food, there will be no help until there are casualties before response will be seen.

Well, we are not living in a perfect world but if these 3 things I just outlined are taken into consideration, our problems will be reduced. I am looking forward to a better world and a better Nigeria.



I am proudly Nigerian and little wonder I have become a representative for Nigeria here in steemit.

I have outlined the 3 things I love about my country as well as the 3 things I will like to change in my country.

I am glad to have taken part in this challenge and I call on @fredquantum, @mesola @whitestallion @hannubanny @goodybest @jueco and many others to write on this topic to complement what I have written about our country. I will also like to read the entry from @chiabertrand @kiwiscanfly @disconnect and others from different countries. I want to read about the things they like about their countries.

Thanks to you all who are able to read my entry. I appreciate you all

This is my introductorypost here


Un cordial saludo apreciada amiga! ha realizado una excelente recopilación de las cosas que le gusta y las cosas que desea cambiar de su país, y bueno para los tiempos en que vivimos todos los países del mundo tienen cosas que queremos cambiar como ciudadanos y personas que sufrimos cada día, mas sin embargo creo que si nos fijamos en las cosas buenas de su país puedo observar que si poseen un gran caudal de cosas buenas que si fueran bien utilizadas y controladas todos ustedes pudieran tener mas calidad de vida.

tener al rio Níger como uno de las mas cerca es fenomenal, he leído algunas historias sucedidas cerca de se rio.

Le deseo mucho éxito en su participación.

 2 years ago 

I appreciate your wonderful comment dear Sis @mile16. In deed, every country have both good and bad things. We are happy and grateful that we are coping with all. The knowledge from the scriptures is making the difference. We understand the situation of things and we maintain a happy outlook.

River Niger is a major river here in my country. Hardly will you travel out to the North or south without crossing it.

I am glad you have read my entry and you wished me well. Thanks a lot

Siempre es un gusto poder leer y apoyar los contenidos de otros, ojalá tuviera más tiempo para abarcar muchos más jejejeje.

Saludos y abrazos virtuales .

 2 years ago 

Time is really a factor. But we will keep doing our best

 2 years ago 

Nice to read about Nigeri

I will be glad if cryptocurrencies and Blockchain is legalized so that we can transact businesses freely with it.

I wish your country legalise cryptos soon but not the way my country did. Our country recently started taxation of crypto profits @30% and 1% TDs. I see it as an attempt to discourage crypto trades in India .


 2 years ago 

This situation is pathetic. How can they tax crypto profits at that high rate? I pray that things improve. My dear friend, I am glad to read your comment on my post. I appreciate. How are you doing?

 2 years ago 

Actually heavy taxation is an attempt to discourage crypto culture in India .

How are you doing?

Not good really . I had some health related issue recently and so I was off the platform for more than a month . But now i am better .

 2 years ago 

Actually heavy taxation is an attempt to discourage crypto culture in India .

But they can't discourage you please, afterall, it is taxed on profit and not on capital. Just keep doing your best. Crypto has come to stay.

Not good really . I had some health related issue recently and so I was off the platform for more than a month . But now i am better .

I have no idea at all. I only noticed when you took back your delegation from steemkidss. I wondered what the problem could be. I never knew it was health challenge. It's a pity but at the same time, I am glad that you are better and back. Hopefully, you will pick up again. Steemit is fun now and am enjoying it. The challenge is really awesome. I appreciate your response

 2 years ago 

But they can't discourage you please, afterall, it is taxed on profit and not on capital. Just keep doing your best. Crypto has come to stay.

Loss is not compensable . Morever , 1% TDS at entry and 1% at exit irrespective of profit and loss is discouraging . But still we are here .


 2 years ago 

I can understand how discouraging it can be. But all the same, we will not give up. Life must go on

Truly if this three things could be changed it will go a long way to help the Nigerians a little, especially the legalization of cryptocurrencies to help us steemians too, we would be free to buy and sell with steem openly but I'm still having the feelings that just as Twitter band was lifted, someday cryptocurrencies will be legalized. Thank you so much for your wonderful entry.

Much love ❤️💞💞

 2 years ago 

I agree with you dear sister. I will also love to see the van on cryptocurrencies lifted. It will be an added advantage to us steemians. I appreciate you wonderful comment.

The people are hardworking and can survive on their own even without govenment assistance. We are used to providing for ourselves without looking up to anyone and that is why when we finally receive the help, we deeply appreciate and value it.

I really appreciate this part of your write up, it's as if you are speaking directly to me.

I can also remember when his Excellency said we are lazy(Nigerian youth) . I couldn't help but laugh.
I wanted to ask of his definition of lazy because the Nigerian youth I see are not lazy.

Thank you for inviting me to this contest, I will be dropping my entry soon 😀

 2 years ago 

On the contrary, they are hard working Nigerian youths, hahahaah. He is only a human and can speak from his perspective. It could be that those around him are lazy, you never can tell. But the truth is that, we are all hardworking.

Thanks for your wonderful comment. I appreciate

Probably, you know that those born with silver spoon are usually lazy, that might be what prompted his careless talk 😀

Nigeria is interestingly one of the most culturally diverse country in the world.
You did a great job enlightening us about amazing thing about our country as well as things that needs to be changed too.
I totally agree with all you have said cause I can relate as a Nigerian too.

Well done on your entry ma.

 2 years ago 

Thanks dear for confirming what I have written as a Nigerian. I appreciate your wonderful comment. I am looking forward to your participation

You inspired me to write ma
My participation post just rolled out few minutes ago.

You've really said it all about Nigeria. God has really blessed this country with all the natural resources and something I love about us is that we are very accommodative and not lazy.
I also wish cryptocurrency will be legalize and more efforts will be put into maintenance culture which has been forgotten.

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot for affirming all my views. Let's enjoy the good part and hope for the better

Yeah I don't like the fact that crypto was Barn in the country, they world is moving in a digital direction and I would be glad if the government make a u turn on their decision of barning crypto. Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

I will like them to do the same too. Thanks for affirming my views. I appreciate

Indeed Nigeria is blessed with natural resources and has survive a lot, if maintenance culture will be practice by all in this country then the country will be a better place.

 2 years ago 

I am glad that you have affirmed my views about our country. Let's see if the changes will be met. Thanks for reading

 2 years ago 

I am glad that you have affirmed my views about our country. Let's see if the changes will be met. Thanks for reading

 2 years ago 

You have really take your time and say much about my country, I am a proud Nigerian, you are correct when you say the northerners don't depends on anybody because they can provide for themselves, Nigeria is an oil well known state we have enough crude oil, I will like to visit your state one day because of the rivers but naturally I don't like river

 2 years ago 

If you want to visit my hometown, you have better start liking rivers because you can't run away from them.

 2 years ago 

Thank you my friend for a wonderful preview of your country!
I can understand why you stand with both feet grounded! 😊
A perfect world is indeed nowhere to be found

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot for you wonderful comment. Man must survive my dear Sis. No perfect world at all. We will keep pushing

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