Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Be the Critical thinkers we want to see!


Greetings steemit family; it is week 3 already! How fast time flies. Today like always, I am happy to share and learn. So without further ado, I’ll get straight away to the points of discussion.


In today’s post, I’ll be defending these statements;

A woman's place is in the kitchen.

Punishment never has a good effect.

Added to these, I’ll defend the compulsory statement

Votes are not guaranteed

A woman's place is in the kitchen.

We are in the 21st century which is also known as the enlightenment age. In this time, countless theories have come up most of which propel women towards a whole new dimension in life.

Back in the days, our mothers were meant to be mothers, wives, cooks, caretakers of the home and that was it.
Time evolved and women started fights like that of equal rights, jobs and so on. This shifted the position of women to financial helpers, breadwinners and so on.

But then, where do women really belong?
A woman’s place is in the kitchen.

Image source"

Why do I say so?

Going back in time memorial, the world was a happy place. One of the reasons was because the base was happy. When I talk about the base, I mean the home.

There was a lot of stability and peace. This was so because, every person in the household knew where exactly they belonged.
Fathers responsibility was to provide for the home, mothers were to be in the kitchen and run their homes and children were to be obedient and submissive; easy right?

Come to think of it, with a woman’s place being in the kitchen don’t you think everything will be in place?

Do you know how important it is to be sure of good food everyday?? Each and everyone of us knows the importance of food in a home; I really cannot overemphasize on this point.
The mind is free; not thinking like
What if she came back from work late and could not cook
What if the food available is food made in a rush which definitely would not be nice comparatively
What if she just decided to buy food in which case, the family might be unsatisfied with the taste and portions??

With a woman being in the kitchen;

  • She has adequate time for her home.
  • You will rarely see her children go wayward
  • You would rarely hear of unnecessary fights between the partners or any form of disrespect
  • You will never find hungry kids thus a happy home
  • You would see an exemplary mother and household.

There’s this saying which cannot be argued that it is a woman that turns a house into a home.
Imagine this kind of home with such a woman who enjoys and respects her place in the kitchen???

I would end here by saying; the perfect all round place for a woman is in the kitchen.

Punishment never has a good effect.

I am from Africa; so when one talks about punishment, I fully understand the pros and cons. In Africa and probably in other parts of the word, punishment is a daily lifestyle.
But then, is this way of life healthy?

Punishment never has a good effect.

Why do I say so?
From observations and experience, punishment doesn’t bring one back on track as to what the punisher wants.
Instead, it brings out arrogance from the people. With this, stubbornness obviously steps in.

People who get punished tend to be used to the punishment and literally take it as normal. They come a point in time whereby they do whatever they want and come back ready to receive their punishments.

Image source"

Note that, these punishments can be in any form; beating, confiscation of items, refusal of food, items or others, inflicting physical pain in any form just to name but these.

When these are done, especially repeatedly, what exactly are the results expected? In most cases, there is more stubbornness. This is often the outcome. More to this, fear is inflicted on the victims. With fear, they are literally pushed away to strangers.

This may lead to them meeting bad people, joining bad groups, doing bad things and following the wrong path of life which is obviously never anyone’s desire at the onset.

Punishment never has a good effect.

Instead of punishment, use love, communicate, have hearty talks, lead by example, be nice and you would see that, the soft way is far better than the hard way. Love will always be the greatest.

Votes are not guaranteed

One of the most used statements in steemit is; votes are not guaranteed.

Firstly, steemit is a social media platform. Social media means you interact, get informations, learn, have fun and so on. Votes should be an added advantage and not the sole motive.

Why do I say so?
Imagine one who has in mind that there must be votes. What happens to such a person if after some write ups there are still no votes? Obviously they would quit right.

So, one should be concerned with other things first;

  • Love for the platform and all you do
  • Consistency
  • Adding value
  • Learning
  • Being creative
  • Being smart so as to learn and others learn from you too
  • And a lot more.

When you have these in mind, you would be motivated intrinsically and extrinsically with or without the votes. Hence, your focus will be maintained, you would tend to produce good content and the votes will follow.

Remember; positively attracts positively and expectations are the main causes of failure.

All these have been made clear by Steem curators on countless bases. Many newbies come in and see juicy votes from Sc01 and think that’s just how money flows forgetting that they have a huge role to play in getting it.

However, original contents, educational content in any sector even entertainment contents as long as they are original would draw the attention of votes though still not guaranteed. That is why I would like to repeat that passion and other motives besides votes should keep you going, knowing that as long as you are on the right track as well as following the rules, you sure will get noticed and the votes will come no matter how long.

Be consistent, Original, audience oriented, longevity and get a club status. With all of these, votes are still not guaranteed but be sure to get them one day

Votes are not guaranteed
All you need to do is follow the steemit rules while doing your utmost best.


Today’s contest was a tough one indeed. One really needed critical thinking to get the brain out of the box. All in all, I enjoyed participating and thinking far beyond the ordinary or what I would normally say at first hand.
Thank you Steem Pakistan for this awesome contest.
I await interaction, proposals as well as other points of views.

Best Regards;


Hello @nancymboghi .You have put up a very good argument .You know when I saw this link i went straight to check if you are male or female .
Before continuing reading..🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is because i wanted to see if you are arguing with emotions . But to my surprise you put up a faire argument.

I am interested in the first and i agree totally with you because the African society has been structured in such a way women run the home , the kitchen inclusive....
You feed well you function well ...That is how it goes....

So if the woman takes care of the kitchen we will have a home full of energy and positivity ...

Thanks so much for your contributions..... And good luck with the contest ....

Greetings dear; 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can imagine how your mind changed when you noticed it was a lady.

Wow, I am glad you judged my augments as fair.

Africa was better before than it is today when it comes to homes and I believe it is strongly because of women.

Thank you dearly for passing by and for your assertion and contribution.

I appreciate the good wish too🙏🏽😊

You are most welcomed dear. I thank the steemitblog for such a beautiful idea of this engagement ...

Let's steem on

 2 years ago 

Thanks for inviting me to participate in this contest.

Imagine this kind of home with such a woman who enjoys and respects her place in the kitchen???

I will disagree with you here 💯% because a good home takes two to collaborate, know each other weak and good side and compliment each other. Do you mean if a man cooks or take care of the home and the woman works to provide for the home, there will be no peace??.

Let me not write my contest ideas here before posting my content 😄😀😀.

To me punishment within the African context is some sort of correcting measures especially with child upbringing. But this has dangerous effects on the society in the long run and on the child as well. Punishment no matter the means is not a way of correcting a child.

You are totally right my dear; I totally agree with you from top to bottom.

Everything in life irrespective has two sides. For the sake of the contest I went with these sides reason for my points.

Thank you so much for your beautiful points and contributions🤗.

I await your write up for it definitely will be interesting and educative🤗

Hello @nancymboghi

Instead of punishment, use love, communicate, have hearty talks, lead by example, be nice and you would see that, the soft way is far better than the hard way. Love will always be the greatest.

Severe punishment causes more damage than change to a child. I cannot help but see how much beating that parent do to their children to effect wrong change today. Sometimes they deprive a child of his right as a form of punishment. It is so sad

It can traumatize a child

All your points are constructive
Well done.

Indeed dear; severe punishment will instead cause more harm than good especially if done continually.

Thank you so much for ur nice remarks 🙏🏽😊

I will agree with you to some extent but this 👇 is a no no

She has adequate time for her home.
You will rarely see her children go wayward
You would rarely hear of unnecessary fights between the partners or any form of disrespect
You will never find hungry kids thus a happy home
You would see an exemplary mother and household.

That a woman is a full time housewife does not guaranteed peace in that household, that her place is in the kitchen cannot make her children to grow up to become responsible adult, neither can that make her partner to respect her.

What guarantee a happy home is keeping the principles of the originator of marriage God Almighty. Character, Love, trust, communication, commitment, loyalty, and respect are important ingredients for marriage. A man can actually help in house chores and in kitchen, likewise the kids. Women on the other hand can help the husband in providing for the family, in paying some bills and this can only happen if she doesn't end up in kitchen. The thing is that balance should be strike yes girl child should be given equal opportunity.

You are totally right dear; I agree with you 💯. In as much as it doesn’t guarantee, a women being at home could contribute as well.

One thing is certain, which is that when it concerns humans, there’s never one right way because what works for A might not work for B.

However, for the sake of this write up, I am writing in assertion of the points thus one side only.

Thank you so much for your wonderful points and contributions; I totally agree with all of them all sincerely.

Best Regards;😊

I understand your point dear just keep it up

😊 thank you so much

😊 thank you so much

You are totally right dear; I agree with you 💯. In as much as it doesn’t guarantee, a women being at home could contribute as well.

One thing is certain, which is that when it concerns humans, there’s never one right way because what works for A might not work for B.

However, for the sake of this write up, I am writing in assertion of the points thus one side only.

Thank you so much for your wonderful points and contributions; I totally agree with all of them all sincerely.

Best Regards;😊

First of all, thanks for the invitation. I agree with you that if everyone knows their places in the house, there won't be conflict and also severe punishment rather makes one more stubborn. Thanks for making me realize that I must not necessarily get vote but learning and interaction should be paramount.

Best wishes

You are welcome 🤗

I am glad you read through and even noted some points.

Thanks again for the best wishes and for passing by🤗

Votes are not guaranteed, yes when we work hard we gain more than vote we equip ourselves for better days and we encourage others which sometimes are much important than votes.

You have said all dear; more than I could say
Thank you 😊

@nancymboghi your argument on women's place in the kitchen doesn't need validation. It's an axiom. As a family therapist I know how many couples fights started with hungry stomachs after a long hectic day. And you know hungry men are angry men. If only the women knew the importance of good meals to their family's peace and stability. Well done and est wishes on the contest.

Wow; thank you 🙏🏽. I really wish many couples and families could see these importance and give it its right place.

I am grateful for your addition and support
and thank you dearly for the good wish🤗

 2 years ago 

Yes friend,Voting power is a centralized opportunity that the person having the power has the full authority on what to vote and whom to vote. So votes are not guaranteed.

Well summarized friend. Thank you dearly for this straight forward contribution🙏🏽

 2 years ago 

Punishment enhances cruelty and conservativeness. Hence, it should be avoided. Likewise, women are good ikln managerial and caretaking department. Kitchen is considered a tough and sensitive place that can only be managed by woman. Moreover,I have also written on this topic, i hope you will enjoy it and comment your views.

You have summarized it all; thank you.

Oh wow; let me rush to your blog right away and check it out.

 2 years ago 

You’ve brought some great arguments forward and I’m not even going to try to argue with you 😊
I do however have a question for you;
Is being stuck in the kitchen not ordinary?

Thank you ma’am

To me, the kitchen in this context doesn’t only mean a kitchen per se. It is talking about a stay at home wife or mom.
Therefore answering your question, I think it is ordinary or normal

 2 years ago 

Good answer! :-)

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