Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statement || My Participation || @naddiyaatif

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)
Assalamu Alaikum everyone!

Hey! Guys how are you all ? hope you all are doing good and living a very healthy Life. My wishes and prayers are always with you guys. Stay happy, stay blessed❤

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Let's Begin

So must say @steemit-pak has introduced a very different topic for this contest series really interesting topic must say it will be really fun writing on this topic and to defend these topics as I love to think I am really deep thinker and can write by myself at least I try to write I try to be creative and I love to be creative.

Thanks to @steemitblog for introducing this series to all steemians and to support them really appreciated. So here is my participation for the contest and congratulation's week 3 has started and this series is doing fabulous.

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Guys in this world all human does a mistake in their life at least at once because no one is machine and even sometime machines also does a mistake and we all are human beings we can make a mistake it's a part of life. Do you ever realize that the mistake you have done in your life have taught you a lesson, Listen my dear doing silly mistake in life is normal the mistake you did you realized it from that mistake that it's not end I have to work hard I have to solve this mistake by myself.

So for mistake we can't punish ourseleve it's not the way or when we were child we did many mistakes in our life and our parents always punished us for the mistakes we do in life they scold us they beat us they get angry but I think that at that our parents should teach us how to cover that mistake at that time they should support us I know that are parents always want us to be the best and many parents also support their children. But today there is also some parents who scold on our mistakes even we are a child or a elder person and they can.

But I think that mistake is part of life we learn from it, and should never punished our children or punished ourseleve for it. And I think by punishment we loose confident in our life

Example: If there are two students in class one is a topper and second is a average student in studies topper gets full marks high grades wonderfull performance and an average students gets normal marks normal grades get fails sometime at that situation the topper gets all the attention all the support all the wishes and an average student he get scold by parents by teacher by relatives get punished by society nobody thinks about his feelings how much he is getting degrade I think at that time everyone should focused on that average child he needs attention he needs wishes not the punishment.

CONCUSION : We should not punished ourseleve or our children for their mistakes we should tell them should tell ourselve that this mistake will teach you a lot you will learn it from this mistake and you have to solve this mistake never give up on your mistake always try to make your mistake your wrong way Right. PUNISHMENT NEVER HAS A GOOD EFFECT

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LOVE such a nice feeling it is we love the one person in life we spent life with him Love is everything without love we are nothing there are some people who loves you there a person who loves you want to spend life with you. Such a precious gift from God and I know love is very important in life. But do you think this generation needs love not money do you think n these days everyone wants only love, No my dear you are wrong there are some people who wants money not love money is everything to them no matter what is love they are with money.

Today's people thinking is different they need money as money is so important to live in this world a person can live alone with love but not with money without money they can't drink they can't live they can't eat they can't wear clothes money is everything they don't need love to spent life they need money.

Money is a thing who can make you powerful, strong, can make your name high money is everything you can do anything from money some people have this thinking they think love is not important love is time waste they want themseleve to make money not waste their time for love so we can say this that Money is more important then love.

CONCLUSION: In todays life many people think money is more important they want to serve their life for making money only they have no time for love they live practically. So from this part of life this is right that MONEY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN LOVE

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@steemit-pak is the community where we all post are thoughts and they have introduced such a interesting topic to us for this contest but in this Contest it is written that votes are not guaranteed steemcurator vote is not guaranteed they will vote quality content.

Steemcurator only votes the quality content of the community they choose the post which is capable of their vote they voted just for the community growth.

If votes will be guaranteed for everyone so it will be so difficult for steemcurator there are so many post if some post doesn't not get the vote so it will create hype and Steemit value will be down.

CONCLUSION : So the conclusion of this topic is that votes are not guaranteed you will get it if your post deserve it so don't be dishearted if you are not getting vote by steemcurator just keep working hard.

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So this is my participation in this contest. I hope you like my post, I have tried my best for this contest now just hope for the best. Thank you so much !

Stay Blessed, Stay Happy...



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Hello @naddiyaatif, what you say is very important, to err is human and deserves a second chance, many times it is thought that punishment solves everything and it is not.

Money helps you to be happy, unfortunately we are in such a mercantile world that everything has a value.

 2 years ago 

Exactly that's what I want to convey all my steemians..

 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the challenge.

Don't forget to interact with other contest participants by commenting and upvoting their posts.

Quality ChecksStatus
Steem Exclusiveyes
Beneficiary to pak-charityyes

Thanks for sharing this important part of life of money is more important than love in today's world.

Si todo fuera perfecto nadie cometería errores y no necesitaríamos dinero para comprar comida con tu familia, entonces hay maneras de afrontar un error y solucionar de la mejor manera y el amor quiero saber si le gusta pasar hambre, es triste y suena feo pero es la realidad el dinero existe como el amor.

Los votos si lo mereces llegaran tanto como los grandes como los lectores se debe ser constantes!

Saludos Y éxitos!

 2 years ago 

Thank you Soo much ❤️

You have a good post, here you design is good and your expressions are also good, your perspective is totally different from others @naddiyaarif keeping writing so you can improve better that goes to everyone including me.

 2 years ago 

Thank you Soo much ❤️

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