Early Childhood Education

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago


“Childhood constitutes the most important element in an adult’s life, for it is in his early years that a man is made.”

A course of one’s life is proof that his early years have a lot to do with how his life turns out later in life. Childhood influences many aspects of a person’s life which include mannerism, attitude, as well as his interest in knowledge.

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”

Education is one of the key factors that leads an individual to success. Therefore, if children are provided basic and fundamental knowledge in a way that interests them, then this interest could then very well last in the long run. A motivation to learn more and more would without a doubt encourage them to reach for the stars.

“How one handles their success or failure is determined by their early childhood.”

Growing in a healthy, competitive, and educational environment teaches children how to handle and perceive different outcomes of situations. When in favor, they must be taught to consider that victory important so that they work hard to maintain it, while during times when things don’t go as planned, they must be taught to consider that failure an opportunity to try better next time.
“We see how childhood experiences are so important to life-long outcomes, how the early environment literally becomes embedded in the brain and changes its architecture.”

Besides strengthening children’s academic base so that they can excel later, the concepts of positive traits such as tolerance, empathy, and compassion for others should also be instilled in them since it is this time that a child’s brain learns and develops. A time will come when these qualities will fully and permanently be inherited by them.

“A happy and fruitful childhood is one of the most fortunate gifts of life.”

It must be made sure that a child is surrounded by the right environment since it is this sensitive age that impacts the later years. The importance of good behavior as well as an interest in education should be inculcated in them from the very start.

 3 years ago 

You're right in childhood the observation is the maximum and our 70% of the subconscious mind programmed in that age.

 3 years ago 

yess, and it's parents responsibility to understand that and instead of giving them phones, they should give them a good mindset and knowledge.

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