Better Life The Diary Game|| Sharing Why I was Not Posting In Steemit/ My Visit To The Village|| 20% payout to @steemit-pak
Asalam O Alaikum
Lets Start Todays Diary
As usual, I woke up at 4:00 AM to perform wudhu and my fajr prayers nowadays I'm not visiting my plants so my father in law is taking care of them he gave water to plants before going to work early in the morning so I recite some verses and sleep again and woke up at 10:00 AM with an annoying sound of alarm it was snoozing again and again until I had to wake up, I get fresh and take a glass of warm water added honey and drink it I was thinking to have breakfast because I had to take medicine at that time my brother in law arrived with halwa puri breakfast I said I don't want to eat but he said don't worry eat it you will be alright after eating halwa puri everyone was laughing my brother in law has come from KSA at one month leave we all enjoyed his company and going to miss him when he will back to KSA but its a part of life now
Planned To Visit The Village
As we finished the breakfast my sister in law prepared tea and wash the utensils she didn't allow me to work much because of my health as the breakfast was heavy now mother was asking us what's the plan for dinner because she knows whenever we had halwa puri breakfast we skip our lunch and in the gossips, a new plan was formed by my brother in law he asked let's visit appi house (my sister in law) we call her and told that we are planning to visit her she asked what we would like to eat in lunch everyone say no we don't want to have lunch, as the plan was sudden we get ready and left within an hour we were there at 2:00 PM it was a sunny day but still, a cool breeze was blowing in village side.
The Samosa Story
We were served with fruit chaat and samosa I feel shy to click pictures so I hurriedly click these pictures I shared, now when I'm typing about my day and the samosa picture is behind me a story came to my mind which is related to me, I am samosa lover and never wish to eat one samosa when I was young once i started crying when I get one samosa until now my siblings tease 🤦 me at my samosa story and whenever my brother bring samosa he asked to serve me two samosas first or I will start 😂 crying 🥲 this memory takes me to my childhood.
Back To Home In Evening
We had a lot of gossips and I feel really fresh and enjoyed my day on our way there was fog at the village side and as we entered the city there was only pollution, as I reached I perform salah and took some rest I went to sleep for two hours, everyone at home was feeling tired and in their rooms, so I pick some peanut to eat it and watch a drama serial at which is a repeated drama but hit story.

Remember me in your prayers
Special Mentions to:
To get their support.
You drank a spoonful of honey mixed in water and then you ate halwa and it is considered as the best breakfast in our country. That's why you need to be careful at breakfast too
I can relate to this story, i used to do that too to my little sister, and it always worked coz she so loved bananas😂
Sorry for your I'll health, i pray you get well soonest. Your evening was cute! Eating peanuts and watching movies is cool
Hahaha i think every brother say things like this to tease there sisters, thanks for prayers.
You're very much welcome. Hoping to read more of your diaries. They're full of fun
Mash Allah you spent owesome day with your family and in Lowes ,the child hood memories mostly full of fun 😃😃😃
Thanks for reading my diary ❤😍
My pleasure 😊
Your samosa story made me laugh 😅 😂
I hope u r doing good now get well soon
Allhamdulillah im feeling better now, thanks for asking 😊