in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

First I am very happy to join STEEMIT PAKISTAN and writing here . Being a Pakistani i need your support and guide line because i am new here in this great social media platform.


In today's society, smoking is a habit common to various segments of the population, including women, teenagers and even children. According to statistics, there are about one billion people in the world who regularly consume tobacco. At the same time, awareness of the dangers of tobacco is a powerful motivator that helps overcome cravings.
However, smoking is more of a habit. All forms of tobacco use that have become popular among the population contribute to the absorption of nicotine into the blood. After cigarette smoke enters the lungs, nicotine enters the brain in just seven seconds. In most people, smoking leads to the development of nicotine addiction, so it should not be considered a bad habit, but just as dangerous a disease as addiction to alcohol and drugs.
The particular danger of nicotine addiction is that it does not allow a smoker to quit smoking, resulting in catastrophic health problems. When smoking a cigarette in the human body, blood pressure rises sharply, the heart rate accelerates, and blood vessels narrow. In these moments of imaginary pleasure, the body experiences real stress, which irreparably affects human health.

The inability to quit smoking is the cause of the body's already developed dependence on a daily dose of nicotine. The body is waiting and needs this dose, as well as the prescribed proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Smokers have a different metabolism, a "nicotine addiction" has developed.

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Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemical compounds, more than 40 of which are particularly dangerous because they are carcinogenic, as well as several hundred poisons: nicotine, benzapyrene, cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, etc. . Cigarette smoke contains radioactive substances: polonium, lead, bismuth. In terms of toxicity, nicotine is equivalent to hydrogen cyanide
harm of smoking

When a person first touches a cigarette, he does not think about the serious consequences that smoking can lead to. Regardless of his health, the smoker considers himself invulnerable, especially since the consequences of smoking do not manifest themselves immediately, but only after several years and depend on the intensity, the number of cigarettes smoked, the depth of inhalation of tobacco smoke and the duration of smoking etc.


Most people are optimistic. Being healthy, they usually believe that they will always be healthy and all kinds of diseases are common to other weaker and more sensitive people. But alas, such optimism cannot be considered justified if measures are not taken to prevent disease and bad habits are not given up.
Cigarette smoke slowly erodes the smoker's health. Scientists cite the following data: if tobacco tar is isolated from a thousand cigarettes, they contain up to 2 milligrams of a potent carcinogen, which is enough to cause a malignant tumor in a mouse or rabbit. If we take into account that some people smoke up to 40 cigarettes a day and more, it takes only 25 days to smoke a thousand cigarettes.

When do you start smoking? Mostly of school age. The peaks refer to 14, 17 and 19 years.
A slight decrease in the number of smokers can be observed after 25 years. However, if men start at 40-44 years of age, severely restricting the consumption of cigarettes and often refusing it completely after 45 years, this happens to women 5 years later.
Quitting smoking is not that difficult. Exercising, traveling and avoiding contact with smokers help get rid of tobacco and the threat of cancer, chronic bronchitis and other diseases.
Tobacco addiction is a clinical form of a pathological process characterized by a loss of mental control over the onset and cessation of craving for tobacco smoking with the simultaneous development of the clinical picture of pathological attraction to smoking syndrome and the syndrome from abstinence.
Only 5% of tobacco smokers can quit smoking on their own. 80% want to quit smoking but need specific medical help.
Addiction to tobacco according to the International Classification of Diseases (V ICD-10) is included in the section "Mental and behavioral disorders associated with (caused) the use of psychoactive substances" and the absence of psychoorganic symptoms (hallucinations, delusions) and personality the changes caused by tobacco smoke determine the particular place of tobacco addiction in a number of disease states in treatments.


In addition to pathological smoking addiction syndrome and withdrawal syndrome, borderline mental disorders are also diagnosed in 60% of people with tobacco addiction. The most common are hypochondriac, anxious depressive, asthenodepressive and depersonalization anxiety syndromes. Borderline mental disorders develop at the same time as the clinical picture of addiction, exist independently and, if they get worse, form the basis of the reason for quitting smoking by seeking medical assistance from the smoker.
Nicotine is a slow-acting poison, it destroys the body from the inside for many years. Not only that, because a smoker not only destroys himself, but also the people around him, because tobacco smoke contains about 200 harmful substances that poison people and the environment.


Smoking seriously harms human health. Everyone should understand this and realize it as deeply as possible. Nobody can voluntarily destroy their own body.
Quit smoking and you will have:

 Reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke;
 Reduce the risk of developing lung cancer, emphysema and other diseases;
 Shortness of breath does not occur when walking or climbing stairs;
 Get rid of bad breath, from hair, from clothes, in the car and at home;
 Get rid of cough in the morning;
 You will have more energy;
 Save your children from respiratory diseases;
 savings for other expenses;
 Take control of your life.

The sale of tobacco products can only be done by branded shops and stands and not by all outlets. It is necessary to prohibit the advertising of such products and their sale to children and young people.
Physical culture, sports, classrooms, libraries, proper organization of free time, interesting and meaningful rest: all this, of course, contradicts the development of bad habits, and in particular the habits of using tobacco products. Laziness, idleness, a sedentary life, on the contrary, are the most fertile ground for its formation.
Promoting a healthy lifestyle is an important national task. It is the duty of all people, of every inhabitant of our country, to contribute to its solution by any means necessary.
@meethussnain,health lifestyle steemexclusive Pakistan ,smoking


I will like to invite @event-horizon and @huzaifanaveed1 to check on this user @meethussnain because he is still a new user to this platform.

I had guided him in his achievement1 task and I have also guided and encouraged him to post in steem Pakistan community

 2 years ago 

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