THE DIARY GAME 17 - March-2021 3rd Wave of Corona in pakistan

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Hello and assalamualikum to all of you .

i hope you all are doing good in your respective lives.

so i woke up early in the morning at 6 because i had to to college after a long time . aand then i offered namaz-e- fajr and did my breakfast quickly
and went to the roof of my house and gave food and water to my birds . i saw that the sky was looking beautifull so i took a picture of it for steemit and then i came down and went to college.


I was missing my college friends that's why i went to college today we went to canteen and physics lab and persnolly i really enjoyed with my college friends after a very long time .

At 2:30 i came back to home and straight went to washroom to get fresh because the weather was very hot and literally my face was burning because og sun rays .
anyway , after taking shower i did my lunch and it was my favourite diag after briyani named daal chawal . 😂


after that i took a small . i was really tired maybe because i went to callege after a long time .

At 4:30 i woke up and offered namaz-e-zohar after that At some thing around 5-15 pm when i was going to park my father called me and said i am going to purchase a new car and you have to go with me .

so my father came home at 5:30 and then we went to new karachi to purchase a car because we had sold our car about a week ago and since then we are looking for a new car and finally we bought a new car today .
Alhudulillah ❤️




and the we came to home At 7:30 . after that i when i had nothing to do so i started playing pubg mobile with my friends . so when i was playing my mother came to me and said stand up we had to go to the wedding so let's go and get ready . we went to wedding which is right infront of our home at 9 and i did'nt know that who's wedding is this 😂😂

Any way i took some pictures of mine and i want to share it with you guys .



we came back to home At 11 pm and I offered namaz-e-isha . after performing namaz i watched some news with my father about the 3rd wave of corona


after wacting the news i was really scraed about it because it's bot joke and the situation in pakistan is getting wrost and wrost day by day .
because the peoples of our country are not taking it serious and that's why the corona is spreading very fastly again . peoples are not wering masks and gloves and put there own and others lifes in danger .

i request to all of you that please follow all these intructions and save your and other life.

1 ..( wash hands often. use soap and water and senitizer etc .)

2.. ( wear masks before going to any where)

3..( if you have any kind pf symptoms like fever or you are facing difficulty in breath .
then go to the doctor first)

4..(don't touch any thing if you go to the market or any where in public place)

5..( Avoid gathering that are not much important.)

i hope that this pandemic ends wuickly as soon as possible .
may Allah keeps saves us from this pandemic and keeps up healthy and fit ❤️

That's all for the day . (:

Thanks a lot for reading about my day. Will be sharing more with you all.

@mbilaal, Member of STEEMIT PAKISTAN.

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