Steemit Engagement Challenge - "The Three Rs and Three Cs" By @maazmoid123

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Good day everyone, I hope you all are doing great in your respective lives. I am doing well too. AS we know that a STEEMIT Engagement Challenge has been started by today. And everyone is now trying their best to be a good performer in this challenge. And in that race, I also want to participate with my full energy and that's why I am here with my entry on the first day of the STEEMIT Engagement Challenge.


Islamic Republic of Pakistan or also known as Pakistan, is a country where I live. It is a country in South Asia and the world's fifth-most populist country and the second-largest Muslim population.

We all know that Pakistan is really rich in culture, history, Nature, and many natural resources which are considered the good part of Pakistan, and with this, like any other country, there are always some Gaps or some things which need changing.

Changing for the betterment of the country and the people who are associated with it. So below I am going to tell you all about the Three Reasons Why I Love My Country and Three Changes I Want To See In My Country.

If I had to make a list, maybe the list may become a book but the list might go on. There are so many reasons to love Pakistan but as we are bound to tell you all the 3 reasons so here are the Three Reasons Why I Love My Country.

Charity is in the Blood of Pakistan:

Pakistan is one of the most charitable countries, as it is said that almost 98% of the people in Pakistan gave charity in one way or another. It is estimated that there are almost 35 thousand non-registered charitable organizations working in Pakistan and almost 15 Thousand Registered.

It is also estimated that almost $2 Billion of charity is made by the people of Pakistan early making up 1% of the whole GDP of Pakistan. There are NGOs like EDHI, which gives the largest Charitable Ambulances fleet in the whole world. There is Al-Khidmat, which has around 8 Departments, working for Interest-free loans, food relief, Orhan care programs (in which there are 12000 Orphans are being taken care of), Schools, Ambulances, Clean Water projects, and more.

Akhuwat is also in the limelight nowadays as the founder of Akhuwat Amjad Saqib who is a social entrepreneur, development practitioner, former civil servant, and author is nominated for the Nobel Price, which is quite an achievement and also become a reason for Pakistanis to be more proud of there countries. Akhuwat basically has a vision of Poverty-free society, so they help the poor build their own business by financing them with Zero Interest. And till now Akhuwat has distributed PKR 155 Billion (US$820 million) to over 5.1 million families in Pakistan.

If I had to write the works of some big charitable organizations in Pakistan, it would maybe take years for me to finish, so I just want to tell you all about the last Charitable Organizations or Hospital to which I had the privilege to work and which I will never forget is the Kashif Iqbal thalassemia Center it is Pakistans' or South Asia's biggest Thalassemia center for Thalassemia patients. They also have been doing a really good job.


Hospitality A Backbone Of Pakistan:

If You guys ever have the privilege to come to Pakistan, you will see how hospitable Country Pakistan is. And if you ever ask any foreigner who has been to Pakistan, about the thing which he loved the most about Pakistan they will definitely say that Hospitality.

Even though I am from Karachi which is really populated and the people here are so busy in their respective lives, even there you will find people who will pay for your bus rides or will give your rides on their bikes. If you don't have the money you might well get the food for free. I only have been traveled to some different cities of Pakistan in my life there I have noticed the real meaning of hospitality, as I was traveling on a bus and there a person who was sitting just next to me was eating something and when he saw me he suddenly cut that in half and asked me to eat the other half so that was a very overwhelming experience for me.

FOOD Of Pakistan:

The best part of Pakistan is that you will find Food almost everywhere in the Country. As growing up in Pakistan I already might have tasted almost 1000 dishes in my life. Food is like a religion in Pakistan as everyone loves food, and will do anything for food.

And as I live in Karachi City so I will just say that Karachi has the best food chain in the whole of Pakistan. You can find premium food at low costs. The price range of food is really astonishing as you can fill up your whole Stomach with good food for just Rs.150 ($ 0.9). In almost every area in Pakistan, there is a food street.

The food of Pakistan is also really mouth-watering as even while I am writing it my mouth is watering as well. The best part of Pakistani Food is that every area or city has its own taste and if you ask me to write a book I might write dozens of books on the food of Pakistan. So this is also one of the main reasons to Love Pakistan.


Just like the things I love about my country, there are many things which I want to change about my country: The three of those things which I want to change about my country are:

Literacy Rate Of Pakistan:

This is the first thing I want to change in Pakistan is the Literacy rate, I want the people of Pakistan to be literate have the knowledge of the world, especially for the women of Pakistan as the Literacy rate of Pakistan for males is 72%, while in Women the Literacy rate is 48%. This is quite low as even in our religion it is an important factor for Male and females to get a proper education.

I think the lack of education in my country is like cancer, and many people are affected by it. And if we can solve this problem there will be many other problems which will be solved by themselves the people will be more educated to make their own decisions, the life of the people will get better and it will also have a positive impact on the overall performance of Pakistan.

End of Political polarization:

It is also one of the main things which I want to change in Pakistan. I think this is one of the main factors in the decline of Pakistan. Before I used to think that illiteracy is the main root of Political Polarization but in the recent events in the Political Crises in Pakistan I saw that even people with high degrees were the victim of Political Polarization.

Political polarization is when the political worker or an individual who supports a certain political party thinks that everyone who does not support their political party is illiterate, and thinks that only they are on the right side, making the right decisions, and are the most intelligent people.

And in this process, they harm themselves and also the people around them. The latest example of that is the Current Political crisis in Pakistan in which the opposition threw out the Former Government and some people of Pakistan became the victim of political polarization in support of the former government.

Interest System:

This is the last and also the most important thing I want to change in Pakistan which is Interest System. As in the Interest system, the poor becomes poorer and the rich get richer. Pakistan is also the victim of the interest system to stable our economy Pakistan had to take loans from IMF or some other country, and till the time Pakistan give back all the money Pakistan has already be in double debt because of the Interest System.

I want to change that system to the Interest-Free System. As in this system, the rich gets richer but the poor also become rich.


And with this, I would like to end my blog in the Steemit Engagement Challenge. I know there are many other important things that we can also change in our countries such as Electoral reforms, unemployment, and many more and there are many things because of which we love our countries like Nature, people, culture, life, and more.

In the end, I would Like to say that May Allah Prosper our Nation and all the nations that are in tough conditions. Ameen.



You have made a good selection while writing about why you love Pakistan.
I agree completely with all three points.

There are many fundraising done by Pakistanis to help the needy. In fact, people with low salaries also try to give their best when it comes to donating to a noble cause.

The food of Pakistan is one of the major attractions even for tourists. Although many of them don't prefer spices in their country, here in Pakistan, they want to try them all. It has its own vibe.

Diminishing the system of Interest is a very interesting topic and a perfectly chosen Change. Fits perfectly with the description. If I am not wrong, it's an open call of war with The Almighty Allah and His Last Messenger, Our Beloved Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. I too wish we get rid of this soon so that the perfect circulation of money can take place.

I also talked about "the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer" in my post.

It was a good read Mr. Maaz. Excellent work.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for having a detailed read and yes my purpose to end the Interest system is because if the line which you also have quoted from Quran that "it is an open call for war with the Almighty Allah and his last messenger prophet S.A.W.W.

INSHALLAH we will get rid of it soon. As I have listened the Pakistani Court is going to give there verdict regarding ending the Interest system on 27th of Ramadan Inshallah.

 2 years ago 

InshaAllah. May it be the righteous decision made on one of the righteous times. Aameen.

And the important thing, may it last forever and a full stop be put on it.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Pakistan is one of the most charitable countries,

According to a recent report, Pakistani citizens spend one percent of their gross national product on welfare, making Pakistan one of the largest charitable countries.
All those who spend their time and money on other people seem to be more satisfied after this process.

the thing which he loved the most about Pakistan they will definitely say that Hospitality.

You’re absolutely right, I have seen many videos of foreign bloggers who visited Pakistan, and they always said that Pakistani people are very hospitable. And I was happy to see this.This process gives a very good image of Pakistan to the world.

Karachi has the best food chain in the whole of Pakistan.

No one can beat Pakistan in cuisine. And yes Karachi has the best food in the country. The taste is extraordinary. And yes our dishes are famous in the world too.

the poor becomes poorer and the rich get richer

This is very dangerous. This system should end as soon as possible. A poor person has the same right to live.

May Allah Almighty protect out country.

Live long Pakistan.

Thank you for sharing your views.

 2 years ago 

Ameen, thank you for sharing your view.

 2 years ago 

Indeed, Pakistan is the most charitable country.
Nit to forget JDC who are conducting Sehr and Iftar, from 1st roza uptil now, on a very large scale for the karachiites. Afterall, its the utmost responsibility of evey muslim to take care of the needy ones. Our religion has beautifully moulded us into this act.
I agree to all the aforementioned points by you.
Many of the foreign youtubers come and tour Pakistan and they all can vouch for the hospitality of Pakistan.

When it comes to food, I must say that Karachi ki Biryani over whole of Pakistan's food 🤤
Pakistan has the most authentic taste, indeed.
Every country have its fair share of cons, so does Pakistan. I hope we get to experience better literacy rate in our country and get rid of all the undesired circumstances that are faced by us Pakistanis.

You have talked about every point so well. I really enjoyed reading it.
Best of luck for the contest, mate!

 2 years ago 

Thank you for reading my post and sharing g your valuable comment, Indeed Karachi ki biryani is the best. And yeah JDC is also doing a really good job too.

 2 years ago 

I agree that charity is in the blood of Pakistanis and i must say the hospitality of people in our country is just on point.. As Ramadan is going on everyday alot of people distribute aftari on roads for those in need and also those who got late for any reason and cannot reach home on time.. this is so nice and amazing..

To talk about food i just love the food here and being a Karachiite i must say food places here are so good i love exploring new food places here .. 😌

You have explained so nicely though there is a bad side too but when we think about good things in our country honestly list would go on .

 2 years ago 

Firstly thank you for sharing your valuable point of view. Indeed I think in Ramadan those charity works just got double and how we can forget in covid time how these NGOs worked day and night just to make sure that nobody sleep empty stomach.

And yeah there are always cons when there are pros. Even the First world countries have cons(I think living in a first world country has more cons than us "my point view").

 2 years ago 

True that 😃

 2 years ago 

Indeed, Charity is in the blood of Pakistan.
Charity ! it has been an honour witnessing this initiative grow and not only be a way of feeding individuals and also be a means of incorporating good deeds for many decreased individuals close to our heart.

Also, Our country is very hospitable among. And the food of Pakistan is just loved.

Best of Luck for the contest

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your input.

Indeed Pakistan experts in being hospitable and charitable. Although this country has its flaws but still we are proud enough to call ourselves Pakistanis on any international forum. You have written beautifully. I'll be writing on this topic soon enough 😀

 2 years ago 

Thanks, will be looking forward to your entry.

Ohhhhh... Really? Didn't have any idea about how cheap can be the food in Pakistan if one day I get the initiative to visit it. I have some friends living over there and one of them told me about the delicious meal I can enjoy in your country. I'm also agree that women deserve a better education just like men do and literacy must be priority from government's part.

 2 years ago 

You must visit Pakistan, there are also some of the greatest sites and cities where you can visit and can have fun in low budget. So you are more than welcome 😇

Many many thanks. I'm eager to start exploring the world and Pakistan would be a good decision to stop by. Really. Have a nice Tuesday. See you again in another contest. Regards. #venezuela #affable

 2 years ago 

You have explained about Pakistan very nicely.

Pakistan is one of the most charitable countries

Yes Pakistan is the most charitable country.98% Pakistani gives charity.

you ever ask any foreigner who has been to Pakistan, about the thing which he loved the most about Pakistan they will definitely say that Hospitality.

Pakistani are very hospitable.They shows extreme care and respect to thier guests.

Best of luck for the contest 🙂

 2 years ago 

True and thank you 😊

Many points you have raised that are the need of the day.

I think the lack of education in my country is like cancer.

This thing always disturbed me because many of people didn't send their kids to school and bring them towards child labour, a love for money raises in their minds and prevent them joining schools.

Political polarization is when the political worker or an individual who supports a certain political party thinks that everyone who does not support their political party is illiterate

This is not in the control of one person, our country need a big change of mind in our people they had to think now what's wrong for them every thing is open but still they are following wrong way by closing their eyes.

 2 years ago 

This thing always disturbed me because many of people didn't send their kids to school and bring them towards child labour, a love for money raises in their minds and prevent them joining schools.

True I just listening to translation of Quran and the summary of what I listened was that take care of your child, get them proper education and don't make them do things which against their will (like child Labour), and don't worry about that how you will be able to take care of your children. Because Allah is the one who take care of everyone just like he have taken care of you when you were a child.

 2 years ago 

Indeed charity is in our blood. I always feel blessed to be a part of such a nation where charity is not bound to any specific occasion. We being as members of the Islamic Republic always show up to help other people regardless of any occasion.

It is estimated that there are almost 35 thousand non-registered charitable organizations working in Pakistan and almost 15 Thousand Registered.

I never knew that it's such a huge number of non-registered organizations, and the thing to be proud of is these organizations are running and helping people. Social media has made it easier too for such organizations to come forward and spread awareness.

Pakistani food has always made it's position in top ranking because of attractive presentation and taste.

I already might have tasted almost 1000 dishes in my life.

Hahaha! I second you in this may be I have eaten this much too or more until now :p Difficult to even estimate :p

All the three factors that you discussed for a change are legit and true. These are the few common country matters that we as nationals want to change and all sorts of improvement from higher authorities are appreciatable.

But the saddest part is no one caters to them and thinks of them. Pakistan is falling in terms of literacy rate. Political polarization has already destroy our youth.

the poor become poorer and the rich get richer

Interest free system is also a demand of our country as its name is the Islamic Republic and Islam never taught us to take interest in every other thing.

In last, May Allah bless our country and its people with prosperity and wisdom, and May we be able to make the right decision in regard of our country aameen :)

 2 years ago 

We as members of the Islamic Republic always show up to help other people regardless of any occasion.

It is true, I even have seen the people who earn daily wages (as they earn very little) but still don't skip a chance to make charity.

Hahaha! I second you in this may be I have eaten this much too or more until now :p Difficult to even estimate :p

haha, food is love.

Interest free system is also a demand of our country as its name is the Islamic Republic and Islam never taught us to take interest in every other thing.

You know it is in our constitution to make our country interest free but as usual, our high officials are not following the rules which are made in the constitution. But I hope it will be end soon as Inshallah by tomorrow Sharia Court of Pakistan will end the interest system in Pakistan but I hope it will be implent too.

May Allah bless our country and its people with prosperity and wisdom, and May we be able to make the right decision in regard to our country aameen :)


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