STEEMIT ENGAGEMENT CHALLENGE || Three Things I love about my country and Three Changes I would love to effect to make it better by @jerryofkingz



Good day, everyone! I am delighted to be writing to you all today, and it is a privilege for me to be able to share information about my homeland with you.

In this piece, I'll discuss three aspects of my country that I admire and three aspects that I despise. I believe everyone has this good and bad feelings towards their country.

Firstly I would love to talk about Nigeria 🇳🇬, my country. Located in the continent of Africa. On the 1st of October 1960, Nigeria obtained independence from the British after several years of colonization, and has been in charge of its government ever since.

Nigeria, dubbed the "Giant of Africa," is a vast country on Africa's western coast with a population of more than 200 million people. It is home to around 300 ethnic groups spread throughout 36 states and municipal governments.

Despite the fact that it is still a developing country, it is considered one of Africa's wealthiest nation due to its natural resources and economy reservation.

Now, I would be listing the three various things I love about my country Nigeria 🇳🇬




  • Unity
  • Tradition & culture
  • Natural resources


It's a sight to behold when people of various language and culture come together as one to obtain peace, progress and growth to the nation.

Here we have our youths who are eager and courageous to fight crime in the nation and in the government. We come out together despite of different beliefs and language to fight for the good of the nation. How admirable could that be?

The Nigerian youths especially have stuck by each other during difficult times. This group of people has demonstrated a spirit of unity by standing and dying for one another's cause.

This unity was observed during the major protest on police reform which was named SARS in the year 2020 in October, which resulted in the tragic deaths of a large number of Nigerian teenagers. Despite this deaths the youths insisted on not to end the protest, we sleep on the road, cook food for people we don’t know, just that we met at the protest, and a lot more. Here are some images below




The Traditions In Nigeria due to the different ethnic group has made it a tourist zone for people who loves sculptures of ancient arts and beliefs.

It is a thing of joy to admire a nation with different languages, culture and belief. There are almost 300 different ethnic groups in Nigeria, each with their own unique beliefs and culture.

Tracing back to the ancient practice in Nigeria which started in the city of benin as at the 10th - 11th century which was recognized as the pre-colonial west African empire.

This city is famous for its magnificent sculptures and other artworks, all of which can now be found in museums all over the world. View images below:



Link to more artifacts and sculptures in Nigeria


Nigeria is a country blessed with a broad range of natural resources such as iron, gold, tin, oil, petroleum, coal, wildlife, etc.

Nigeria has enough resources and minerals to contend for first place when compared to the quantity owned by other countries throughout the world. That is why we are called the giants of our continent Africa.

Nigeria is among the top 20 oil producing country in the world. See Images blow:



Nigeria not just owning oil resources, we are also rated as the top 20 countries in the world with a renewable internal freshwaters. See image below:





  • Crypto ban
  • Education standard
  • Insecurity


Cryptocurrencies and blockchain, which Includes NFT’s as well have emerged as the future of finance and the internet in general, and I'm still baffled as to why my country doesn’t want to make crypto a legal currency.

Joining the cryptocurrency and blockchain field can help my country develop in finance and technology, not just my country, anyone as well and also improving our chances of being developed.

Nigeria neglected to join the early adopters of the internet as of 1980s, leaving us behind in progress. And now Banning of crypto in my country has followed up.

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain represents yet another opportunity for my country to at least try to keep up with evolution in technology I would say.


Unfortunately, the Nigerian government continues to be ignorant to what is going on, enacting superfluous regulations in order to prevent the widespread use of Bitcoin and other crypto assets in the country.

Bans on banks trading cryptocurrencies and sanctions on institutions found to be participating in crypto-related transactions are only a few of the useless regulations against cryptocurrency in my country by the government.


This is another issue in my country that I would like to address, as it is critical to Nigeria's future development.

The Nigerian government has grown to disregard public education, as seen by ASUU's recurrent strike for inadequate financing.

The union, which has been on strike for over two months, has consistently said that their walkout is due to the federal government of Nigeria's inadequate educational funding and inability to adhere to long-term agreements.

Strikes by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) have become so common that they are now considered an annual event. This has left so many youths (students) frustrated at home, jobless and idol. We say “an idol man is a devils workshop”.


image snapped & edited with iPhone 7


Nigeria has a high level of insecurity. It's almost as if we don't have security, given the frequency with which bandits assault and attack citizens without being captured and brought to justice is something troubling.

Loosing lots of lives to the so called bandits who has been terrorizing this nation for years is something unbearable. Life is to be valued and protected not dis valued and taken.

There was a recent incident in the train way where Several people got killed, this happened at the Abuja-Kaduna train in the Nigeria's northern region.


Several other bandit raids have occurred, with countless deaths lost and abductions occurring in various local villages.

Due to human sensitivities, I wouldn’t be sharing the disturbing images of a dead promising female doctor in the terrorist attack, and a lot more.

It is either we are not there at all or late to every terrorist attack, and this is due to the poor level of insecurity in the nation. That I’m alive typing this is not by my power but by the grace of God, and I appreciate that.



In as much as I have expressed my feelings I directly towards my country, I believe the bad aspects can change with time.

As a developing country a lot of mistakes are bound to happen, but we must first protect the lives and interest of our people and live the rest to God.

I really appreciate this contest and I’m glad to be a member and participant of this contest in a wonderful Pakistan community 🇵🇰 ❤️. Thanks for reading


Nigeria is indeed a country with diverse fascinating cultures and good natural resources. But the problem we the citizens are facing are all due to bad governance which I hope will change in the forthcoming presidential election.

Thank you for sharing such a nice piece with us here.

I really know I feel saying somethings about Nigeria. Despite the pros...the cons involving loss of human life’s is by far worst in comparison to the things I aspire.

We hope things changes in future.

I believe that someday things will change.

We hope so. Nothing is impossible, for the word ‘impossible’ says ‘I’m possible.

Nigeria is indeed one or the most blessed countries in terms of natural resources,

With good leadership Nigeria is capable of being one of the eBay countries in the world

Yea, you said it right. With good leadership, we hope to see some changes in our leaders after the 2023 election.

All we pray is for a better nation, cause we are indeed great people.

Aside the good side of Nigeria, you have educated some of us on, you have also pinpoint some devastating and archaic issues that you are fedup with in the country.
Thanks for being realistic, let's hope all these issues are address within the shortest possible time.
I don't really know why they have to ban crypto 😑


It is he who wears the shoe that can pinpoint the area of pains. We know how we are all living and surviving. It’s a good thing that we still hope so far we live.

Nigeria is really a blessed country but the problem is getting the leader that lead in truth and honesty. Wonderful write up

It is really a fascinating place. One can decide to decipher time for tourism, visiting the ancient Benin to see there beautiful sculptures of art. Not just that, their resources is outstanding and are among the top countries in the world with quality resources.

Nigeria is really blessed a lot, and as you said when the right leader is there things would turn out great and fine. Thanks for the review.

Nigeria is indeed a magnificent nation with great potential and greatness to be unlocked. But here we are an underdeveloped nation sitting under treasures. These are the consequences of bad leadership and it is up to us to make our country a better place

Yes friend, I’m glad we all understand what we need to make our nation a greater place to live, visit, tour and grow.

I really enjoyed reading your post.

Nigeria neglected to join the early adopters of the internet as of 1980s, leaving us behind in progress. And now Banning of crypto in my country has followed up.

This ban of crypto in Nigeria is something that has to be reviewed. They took away employments from us and the little one we do to earn a living is banned and yet, they complain of the high rate of scamming in the country. To be honest, this is one of the many challenges in Nigeria but the head os state wouldn't give listening ears to the wrong affairs of the country

Bans on banks trading cryptocurrencies and sanctions on institutions found to be participating in crypto-related transactions are only a few of the useless regulations against cryptocurrency in my country by the government.

The useless government caused widespread poverty and didn't provide even ⅒ jobs for people. Some people engaged into illegal activities for the money, the govt overlooked it. The percentage that decided to use legit methods to make money like crypto currencies, the government felt attacked an decided to ban it. We the electorates need to Step up and vote the right people into power so there would be a chance for positive change. I really appreciate the points you brought about in this post. Goodluck winning

I believe with time we would be a better nation.

Nigeria is so rich with vibrant youths ready to work but the insecurity as your right said is driving away investors and this is increasing the unemployment rate.

Like I also said...we all
Know where we get things bad and wrong. It is good that one can tell when things are bad from good, at least you stand a chance to make a choice, than when one knows not the bad the do from good.

As we all know this, we wish to put more effort in electing a better leader that will show the true value of this great nation.

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