Natural beauty

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago



The natural world is a place of beauty, if you're willing to take the time to look.

The beauty of nature.

Beauty is everywhere. The earth and sky, the grass and flowers, the trees and birds are beautiful to look at. Beauty is free for everyone to see. It’s a gift from God or nature; you can find it anywhere—in your backyard or on a mountain top. When you go outside in the morning and see this beauty, it will be relaxing to you because it makes your mind feel better. Beauty helps us think better when we look at it every day because there is something that makes our brains think differently than before we saw beauty in nature.

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful.

This is a quote from John Muir, who was one of the founders of the Sierra Club. He spent his life advocating for the preservation of wilderness areas in America.

He was also a prolific writer, and he wrote some great stuff about nature and its beauty — including this piece on how to never lose an opportunity to see something beautiful or interesting.

This seems like good advice! We don't have any magical powers that allow us to stop time, so we might as well use our limited time wisely and make sure we enjoy ourselves while we're here on Earth. One way we can do that is by appreciating what's around us every day, even if "appreciate" means enjoying something as simple as looking at pretty pictures on Instagram or watching an episode of Game of Thrones instead of playing video games all night long (or whatever).

Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.

It's easy to be realistic and say, "Hey, nature provides a free lunch!" But it's not really a free lunch. Nature is a lot like your mother: If you don't eat your vegetables, she'll make you sit at the table until they're gone.

Nature has been providing us with all these nutrients and life-giving elements for millions of years. In fact, if you look at a tree or plant or animal on Earth right now (even if it doesn't have legs), that organism is likely descended from an ancestor that lived during one of the great ice ages about 500 million years ago — which means those genes have been surviving for over half a billion years! Nature is old—really old—so it knows what works best for survival: It grows food that contains everything we need to live healthy lives.

But again: We can only take advantage of this free lunch if we control our appetites (and remember that there are other people who may also want some of these nutrients).

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside.

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside.

Go for a walk. Run. Bike ride. Hike. Swim. Walk in the park, woods or desert and breathe deeply, slowly and fully as you do so with your eyes closed (if you're driving when this idea strikes you).

You can't be suspicious of a tree, or accuse a bird or squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet.

You can’t be suspicious of a tree, or accuse a bird or squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet. No matter how much we might like to think otherwise, nature has no politics and only gives us what it wants to give us. It is in our nature as humans to respond with suspicion, but if we are aware enough to recognize our own failings, we will realize this is not what makes us different from other living things in the world.

We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren and children yet to be born. We must protect the forests for those who can't speak for themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees.

As human beings, we must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren and children yet to be born. We must protect the forests for those who can't speak for themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees.

We are all connected by nature's web of life and we depend on each other to survive. As one species disappears so too does another until eventually there is no one left to speak or hear your voice or mine nor will there be anyone left to breathe in clean air or drink clean water unless we work together now!

Nature has beauty everywhere if you just take time to stop and look around.

You'll find natural beauty everywhere if you just take time to stop and look around. In fact, nature is the best place for you to go when you need a breather from your hectic, modern life.

Nature can teach us so much about ourselves, our past and our future. It has taught me that everything in this world is connected. This realization doesn't always come easily but when it does, it's an amazing feeling! Nature also teaches us that we can live in harmony with one another despite differences such as religion or race because at the end of day we are all human beings sharing the same planet Earth with each other!

I've learned so much from my time spent exploring wilderness areas such as national parks which often have designated trails with interpretative signs explaining why certain plants grow where they do or explaining how animals adapt themselves over thousands of years through evolution which makes them unique compared to other animals within their species (eagle vs falcon). These signs help me understand what I'm seeing better by providing context through history lessons like these which not only give insight into how things came into being but also gives us perspective on how important it is."


So, go outside and explore! The world is waiting for you to see it in all its glory. Nature will never disappoint if you just take the time to stop and look around.

 2 years ago 

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