Common Mistakes Made By Newcomers || What are Clubs? || How to Follow Burnsteem25?

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago


Hello and Greetings Everyone. This is your very own Haidermehdi, Country Representative of Pakistan and Admin Steemit Pakistan. I am happy to see the progress that our communities are making on this platform and specially Steemit Pakistan. With the growth of the Community, comes new users who are always in seek of guidance. Nowadays, it's not the way we have always been working. Thus today I have decided to make a short video clip that will help you guys in understanding the Cubs and Burnsteem25 Concept!

Steem Pakistan Divider 2.png

I Hope you all will enjoy the Video :) I need the response of new users who are struggling to find information about these points!

Steem Pakistan Divider 2.png

If you have any questions, you can contact me
on Whatsapp (+92 318 2140907)

Yours, Haidermehdi.
Country Representative Pakistan.
Steem On!

 2 years ago 

Awh this is so cute!! Thank you!

 2 years ago 

Hehe thanks a lot!

@tipu curate 2

 2 years ago 

One of the most supportive man and always ready to help others @haidermehdi
Very informative post.
Thank you for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Jazakillah khair Cocomuff :)

 2 years ago 

Thankyou for Posting in Steemit Pakistan.

Burn Steem 25
Number Of Words133
Number Of Upvotes15
Number Of Comments2

I will watch this video, when my internet let me. due to I need guidance about clubs. Thank you for the video, it will help me alot.

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