Club100 | My Favorite Festival | Eid-ul-Azha Of course❤️ | Steemit Engagement Challenge

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone. This is your very own Haidermehdi. Past few weeks have literally been very busy and even after doing all the time management perfectly, I was unable to participate in the contests organized by all the winning communities for the Steemit Engagement Challenge.

It came up as an easy task but as we proceed, it is taking more and more effort day by day. But since Eid has passed and the next few days or we may say that the next few weeks don't demand much of our time in events and festivals or in invitations, I think now I would be able to do a better job with my Community's team.

For the very same purpose, I decided to make an entry into this contest, My Favorite Festival. I have been checking posts and reading about different Festivals. I read most Pakistanis celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr or Independence day. I thought to come up with a new one, the Boy's favorite; Eid-ul-Azha.


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To be precise, there are 3 things common in Eid-Ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Azha.

  • Chaand Raat
  • Eid Prayers
  • Happiness❤️

The Chaand Raat and Pre-Eid Activities

This chand rat is a little different from the one that we celebrate on Eid ul Fitr. On Eid ul Fitr, we fast all day because it's the last day of Ramadan Kareem but one day before Eid ul Azha, we spend the day feeding and serving the Cows and goats or sheep that we have brought for the act of sacrifice following the Sunnah <3

Yes, we recognize the day of Eid by the sight of the moon. As it is Eid, many of us are happy about that but not everyone. The kids who love their animals are sad to know the fact that their lovely animals won't be there with them either after 1,2 or 3 days. But this is the real purpose of this Eid. To sacrifice your loved one and following the sunnah, we do this act of sacrificing our animals that we buy and we love a lot :)

On this chand rat, girls are the same as they apply henna on their hands, get their clothes ready for Eid day, buy jewelry, and all that stuff. So we move on to the next one.

Rather than going to the clothes market in the last days before Eid, our favorite place is to go to the Mandi where we buy cows. Luckily I got a chance to click a picture of myself with the kids when I had to safeguard them, last time we went there :D Normally, it's an immensely crowded place :D


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Eid Prayers

These prayers are as good as they get because there is a big crowd gathered on a huge ground. Where the Imam reads the Khutba and delivers the Eid prayers in front of a Huge crowd of Men and boys who follow what he prays. Then there is a Dua and the hugs between all of the people on the ground wishing each other a very Happy Eid.

People get ready before the Namaz and I also got ready many times :p I don't have good pictures, in fact, none of them are good according to me :D But I think I should share atleast some of them :D


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The Act of Sacrifice

When we are home after the Eid prayers, the boys usually change their clothes and wear the old ones as we have to sacrifice the animals that we brought with much love and passion. I don't know about others but I go on a round with mine for at least 5-10 minutes to go with him on his last ride. I enjoy that moment and then i come back, everyone is ready and waiting for the act to be performed.

After the act of sacrifice, we help the workers to collect the meat into one place and then distribute it in the family, the workers, our employees and to poor people who have nobody to bring all that to their house.

I don't know if you guys are understanding why do we have to change the clothes xD So there are a few examples for you which i believe would help you in understanding this :D


The First day of Eid Doesn't get better than this and after the whole process of distribution of mean in and out side the family, every one is so tired that we fall asleep. We wake up in the night and have a family dinner together.

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The Visit of Guests on the Second and Third Day Of Eid

After an amazing start to Eid, the second and third day of Eid are the vest ones when visiting of guests take place. People enjoy sitting with their friends, and cousins and remembering their childhood. There is a special meeting in our house where everyone sits together and we discuss our childhood memories of everyone. Then we also hold a small period for the recitation of Quraan where every boy takes part.

All the Qaris are rewarded with huge praise and always given appraisal. The best among them gets prize money of around 1.5 to 2k rupees :D I have won it twice as far as I remember :D

It's a special moment for every one of us. Then we all have food together and we sometimes play cricket too. Yes, we are old enough lol so we play it in a small place where we keep the rule of one bounce catch. Here you just have to defend the ball :p


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The Most Important and Final Part of Eid-ul-Azha

The barbeque events. On The Eid days, holding a barbeque is a must for every boy to be honest. In every house, boys separate their part of the meat and keep it safe for the barbeque. Then we cook barbeque and it is the best part of our day. I will just share a few pictures of that and end my participation here :)


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This is where I want to end my post. I hope I was able to convey the way how we celebrate our Eid-ul-Azha. I am again in hunger for your comments on my post. I wish to see you all there. Thank you for the amazing love that you guys show towards me.

Yours, Haidermehdi.
Country Representative Pakistan.
Steem on!

 3 years ago 

You explained Eid-ul-Azha in good way. The most exciting part of this eid for me is barbecue parties.

 3 years ago 

Same here :p Thank you :)

 3 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the Steemit Engagement Challenge ~ Week 2 Contest organized by Steemit Pakistan Community.

The core purpose of this challenge is to increase engagement among the users, thus make sure to visit other entries on this link : and upvote and comment on them.

Club statusClub100
Bid BotsNo
Num of words1093

@haidermehdi - it is rather odd to review and check your own post !

Are none of the other Mods in the community active ?

cc @hassanabid @aniqamashkoor @vvarishayy @event-horizon

 3 years ago 

Amm there is nothing like that. Actually, it was my assigned day and I just went through all the posts that were published.

We will take care of that in the future. I also felt weird but when I thought of it as a participation post, I took it normally and did the formalities :)

Will take care in the future for sure.

Maybe you can use the community account to verify your own post, because that really looks weird.

At least, you didn't reply: Thanks for verifying me"myself" ha,ha.

Xoxo my friend!

 3 years ago 

Hahahah xD Yes excctly this is what i thought right after commenting, to have used the community account.

I will do that in the future. Loggin in and logging out again and again is such a headache lol :D Specially with a dying internet connection :p

hahahahaha :P


We are here :)
as mentioned by other mods we have taken up days for checking however i am looking forward to use steemit-pak for checking purpose and comments rather than individual accounts.

would solve this kind of things.

and yeah it looks a bit odd :P

 3 years ago 


I second with what vvarishayy said, we have split the days among us to review the posts. I have reviewed all the posts that were published on my assigned days.

However, it is odd to review your own post. We will make sure to review each others' (community management team) posts regardless of our working day.

 3 years ago 

Hey steemit team

Actually we divided the days and it was his turn that's why he checked his post but as you said yeah it's odd we will take care of it. We all are active and commenting on different assigned days.

Thank you

Buenas noches estimado @haidermehdi lo que más me gusta de éstos concursos es poder conocer costumbres y tradiciones totalmente distintas a las de mi país, como es el caso de éste ritual que has compartido con nosotros.

Para mí como venezolana se me hace un tanto difícil entender el acto de sacrificar al animal que amas, pero seguramente igual que para mí, para ti también habrán tradiciones de mi país difíciles de entender.

Siempre es agradable conocer cosas nuevas, y hoy lo he hecho por medio de tu publicación, te lo agradezco y te felicito por tu post.

 3 years ago 

Jeje, sí, puede parecerte un acto extraño, pero si por casualidad tienes el honor de visitar Pakistán, recuérdame y hablaremos sobre estos festivales sentados juntos.

Sí, también fue bueno leer sobre tus tradiciones y, como dijiste, algunas también eran complicadas.

La mejor parte es que aprendemos y ambos parecemos haber aprendido el uno del otro.

Todo lo mejor para el concurso @minikay.

While everyone is writing aboit eid ul fitr I knew you will choose Eid-ul-Azha.

I also like this because of animals. This eid has it's own charm. There are many different animals that people buy for sacrificing and the best part is to sacrifice that animal for the sake of Allah's will and blessings.

BBQ sessions are a must and a symbolic representation of this eid celebration🤭

 3 years ago 

Hahah yes it was getting so much about Eid ul Fitr thus I decided to write about the upcoming event too :D

bbq and its sessions are the best part of this eid without a doubt :p

 3 years ago 

Yes Eid ul adha has a same value as Eid ul fitr. The Bar B Q nights tikkas yumm I am feeling the taste now hehehe :p
But I don't touch beef or mutton never help my mom and dad while cutting and arranging.
The special thing about this Eid Brings happiness among poor of society as well because they aslo get their part.

 3 years ago 

Yes Alhamdulillah, we are still good enough to distribute it among those who deserve it.
You should help your parents lol :p
Don't worry bbq nights are coming soon :p There is not much time left :D

 3 years ago (edited)

Both Eid ul azha and eidul fitr have their own charm. The time 10 days before Eid ul azha>>>

I love Eid ul fitr because of Eidi and Eid ul azha because of the ronaq. Eid ul azha is more exciting for boys because they can visit Mandi and can go anywhere out at night with the animal.

I enjoy that moment and then i come back, everyone is ready and waiting for the act to be performed.

I cry every time, I never enjoy that moment. I remember last time I was with my baqra while there was no one in the street, I hugged and cried. Unlike most of the girls I spend the whole night with the animals and can't see them while slaughtering but I do.

 3 years ago 

Yes the last 10 days before eid ul azha :p Days of mixed emotions :p

I cry every time, I never enjoy that moment

This is the toughest part but we have to do it for the will of Allah.

 3 years ago 

To be precise, there are 3 things common in Eid-Ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Azha.

Yes you are right both Eids have their own charm and excitement.

I don't know if you guys are understanding why do we have to change the clothes xD

I do the same lol 😂 Every time I help my dad to make pieces of meat and then to make the packets that are given to the people.

The Eid days, holding a barbeque is a must

This is the favorite part of this Eid again my dad and i do bbq for our family.

Btw you have explained very well. I enjoy reading your post.

Best wishes for the contest.


 3 years ago 

Thank you so much :)

I have not seen many girls helping and this is the reason i also help my mother and aunts😂
My sisters don't do that :D

Bbqs are love <3

 3 years ago 

We girls enjoy Eid ul Fitr more than Eid ul Azha because all we do is get ready, take a lot of pictures and flaunt our clothes while on Eid ul Azha we have to work all day so that's why most of the girls chose Eid ul Fitr as their favorite festival.

The guys in my family on Eid ul Azha do the same and the BBQ part is so relatable.

Loved reading your post.

 3 years ago 

Yes, you people really enjoy Eid ul Fitr a lot. But when it comes to Kids of age around 13-14, there is no competition to the enjoyment that we do :p Playing with toy guns, yoyos, and Beyblades used to my favorite hobby on eid ul Fitr :D

 3 years ago 

I remember when i was kid i loved my bakrah so much.
I got high fever when bakrah got sacrificed.
This is the real meaning of sacrifice that we distribute the meat in poors
This is the Beauty of Islam that we always remember poor ones whenever we got happiness and special events.

 3 years ago 

Yes Alhamdulillah. May Allah accept it from all of us.

This is the hardest part for everyone but this why we are here, to be tested :)
Stay blessed <3

 3 years ago 

Yes, Eid Ul Fitr would be incomplete without visiting the mandi and viewing the tens of thousands of animals there. In addition, my university will be closed for Eid, allowing me to fully enjoy it. I really hope that rain does not fall during Eid this year because it causes such a foul odour.

 3 years ago 

Exactly, but I always get so confused in whether to go daily or just go for a day, find one or two and spend time with them xD

Good news for you :p Have fun and enjoy the vacation :D

As far as rain is concerned, this is Karachi dude, when you expect the rain not to come, it comes with a thunderstorm😊 xD

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