Better-life Diary Game | It's easy to Celebrate little moments with Family | with 20% beneficiary post to steemitpakistan | @faraz2020

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago


Assalam Alaikum

I woke up at 7am take bath and did breakfast after that I went to office

Whole day i was working in my office

Now it was 6pm the time to home I left for my house just thinking that no body remember my birthday

At 7pm I reached my house I rang the bell and get inside

When I get into the room I saw my parents and my whole family was waiting for me

They all wished me Happy Birthday

And gave me the gifts and then they took me into another room where they have put cake and the food

Then they took some pictures

THen I cut the cake 🎂 and we all did dinner

It was an awesome day for me as my family gave me an amazing surprise

Verified Achievement 1

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