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RE: The Lost Artist and My Frustration

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

Well, I think things are not that simple on Steemit. We are getting rewards for what we post here, in other terms, earning.

I use the painting for personal learning, it's fine. I recreate it to practice, it's fine. I recreate it to earn through it, I'm not sure if it's fine unless I have the permission of the original creator.

When it comes to images, we use only copyright free because others are mostly not allowed by their creators to use commercially.

An artwork is automatically copyright protected as soon as it comes in tangible form. Therefore, it's better to avoid using it controversially.


How are you going to ask for permission from artists who have died?

 2 years ago 

That's what I said in one of my comments above. I can't go asking Da Vinci for MonaLisa. 😂

I'm not sure but I think there's some kind of a law that keeps the work of artists or other creators under protection for upto 70 years post demise, after that the owner-ship is passed on to the heir or to the state and they decide how to use it.

@stef1 might help here as I'm new to this and still learning how it all works.

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