How can you contribute to the community as a member?

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

While writing this post, I remembered a contest arranged by @moohsin when I was new in this community. Although I won that contest but since then I have come a long way. My perception about success and growth of a community has changed. Maybe the first hand experience and my affiliation for this community made me realize some things in a different light. Also whom I am kidding, we all know the steemcurators and booming support is quite low for past few weeks. But we cannot accuse them nor we can depend on them all the time.

Here comes your community into the picture. Community maybe led by some individuals and their leadership play a vital role but as we are talking about community so contribution of each member matters equally.

Everybody wants good votes and support from the community. But we forget that a community needs to be powerful enough for that.

How can it be powerful?

Ofcourse with steem power.

Community accounts already do power ups but a lot of steem is spent on contests too.

Compromise and Patience
What if we as a member compromise on little prize and still keep engaging? Very soon the days will come when community will start giving you back the reward for your efforts.
We just need to be a little patient for that. Most importantly, keep supporting the community and helping each other out and never get discouraged.

Power ups and delegations

As I said before, a community needs support of its members as well to prosper. Why shouldn't we Power up and delegate our steem power? It's ultimately for your own good. Your little contribution can make a big difference.

Set Beneficiaries

When pak-charity was established, it got a very good response and I knew it will. Because we may have other shortcomings but we Pakistanis donate like a King. The result is in front of us. Little contributions of everyone generated a good amount of Steem in few weeks.

Why don't we do that for @steemit-pak? Set steemit-pak as a beneficiary too!? 5% for each account or as much as you want? 5% is nothing but the collective result will be good. We will reach towards our goal faster. (That would be enough steem power to get good votes for our hardwork)

I'm not imposing this as the decision power remains with our respected CRs. It's a mere suggestion from my side.

That's all I could think for now. Let's think of more ways to give back to this community and help our leaders @rashid001 @haidermehdi @hassanabid in every possible way.

Best Regards,



I think there’s a misunderstanding. You tagged me by mistake, I’ve never arranged any contest. There must be another person named Mohsin

 3 years ago 

I am really sorry. Just corrected the tag.

 3 years ago 

Congratulations @event-horizon you have successfully tagged the right person🤣...

Well the main reason of organizing that contest was also the same to get different ideas and different suggestions from different type of people just to make our community a bit more strong and self dependent but due to some difficulties i was unable to be in contact with our community team...
it is really great feeling to see a post like this again hopefully this post will encourage our community members to power up more and more....

 3 years ago 

Haha. I got confused between double Os and double Ns. Lol

Yes the purpose of your contest was same. We need to come forward and help the community.

Your post has been upvoted by hassanabid with @steemcurator07 !

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