Steemit Engagement Challenge || Share your views about your Country|| "The Three Rs and Three Cs"|| @ebunoluwani

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)


Greetings everyone
How are you doing? Trust we are fine.
So first things first, I would love to appreciate @steemit-pak for a short at this contest which will help us to connect to different country and enlighten us as well. Without further ado, I will be launching into the contest post.


My country is the federal republic of Nigeria and it is located in the tropical zone of west Africa. It's capital city is Abuja and the current president is Muhammad Buhari. The currency spent in Nigeria is the Nigerian Naira.

What are the three REASONS why I like about my country?

  1. Diversity. Nigeria is a country that wears her diversity like a garland. Nigeria speaks diverse languages which stems from the cultural entities. The first three major language is Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. With other numerous minority enthnic groups as well. Nigeria is also diverse in food, cause each of these various cultures have their own delicacies and they differ.
  2. Natural resources. Nigeria is a blessed country in so many natural resources. Natural resources with Nigeria disposal include; Gold, Iron ore, crude oil, diamond, gemstones, silver, coal, rubber and numerous resources yet to be utilized.
  3. Fertile Land: Nigeria’s geographic location is in the tropical zone of the country. Nigeria is a land that is good for farming. In the western part of the country groundnust and palm tree is widely planted while the northern part of the country is notable for its Beans, onions and tuber crops.


What are the three things that I would like to change in my country?

  1. Bad Education system. Education is the light but Nigeria has a very low effort towards the education system. Currently, at the time of this post, the federal universities have been on a two-month strike because the federal government has not paid the gratuity of the staff and this is a thing that occurs repeatedly every tenure.
  2. Corruption. Corruption is a common feature of every society in this age and era and Nigeria has found herself in this mess too. Corruption includes the misappropriation of public funds by leaders and injustice in every sector.
  3. Insecurity. Nigeria has been battling a terrorist group known as the book haram for over ten years now. This terrorist attack has increased the level of insecurity and rose other forms of insurgencies such as kidnapping, rape, armed robbery, rituals and many other atrocities.


Nigeria is no doubt my fatherland and I am proud to be a citizen of this great country. Why? Because I know every that just like Nigeria has its flaws every other country has theirs too. We are not all perfect but we are working towards perfection.
Thank you all for your time.

All Image Sources is free


Going through your article I most say you have done justice by explaining your country Nigeria well. I'm also a Nigerian and I can say we are really blessed with fertile land for planning different types of crops and the natural resources are something else.
Corruption is actually the marjor issue of our country but let pray and keep hopping for a better change from our leaders.
Best of luck..

Corruption is like a worm that keeps eating deep into our bad economy.
I hope change comes soon.

Thank you @yakspeace for your prompt response

You are welcome dear.

Nigerian is a great country that is blessed with so many natural resources and fertile land that is good for agriculture.

But it is so sadden how corruption has become norms and some politicians think because they are in power they can do anything.

It's becoming alarming the rate at which people were being kidnapped, killed, bombing and so on. Hmmmm, May God help us restore our security issue.

With God's help I believe there should be a battle against insecurity and corruption in this country.

In the main time we should try to stay safe. Thank you for your contribution.

Hola amigo si de verdad que te leo y tienes un país muy hermoso en cuestión de tierras buenas, sería muy rico probar sus comidas,

Y con respecto a las C

Es tremendo lo que hay que pasar ojalá todo cambie para bien en mi país vivimos cosas tremendas y el cambio se ve lejos, rogamos que todo salga bien

Gracias amiga

 2 years ago 

Indeed one common goal for all of us to work together for, working towards perfection! Well said!

Thank you for sharing your beautiful country with us. With every post about Nigeria I feel one step closer 😊

Thank you, ma'am

I feel honoured to inform you about my country Nigeria.

What we lack in this country is enormous. And to think that the big goons are not actually doing anything to help salvage the matter. Those that lost their life to insecurity have no one to fight for them.

I pray it becomes better so that the youths will see good reasons to stay the country instead of leaving for a better one.

We can only hope for a better future and work towards actualizing it.

Thank you for you contribution

Point of correction, your country is not Nigeria but UAR[ United African Republic] 🤣🤣🤣. I can remember when the name of this country was about to be changed.

If I were given the chance to change something too, the first thing I'll love to change is bad educational system.

The educational system here in Nigeria is very bad and the government are less concerned.
And I believe that with time, everything will be fine, thanks for sharing this quality content

The UAR part got me😂

I saw in the news that the federal government is refusing to pay Federal Universities.
Where did we go wrong in this country?

Thank you for reading through.

Nice entry @ebunoluwani, I’m also from Nigeria so I can relate with all u wrote. Corruption is our major problem, once it’s totally gotten rid off Nigeria will regain it’s lost Glory.

Good luck in your contest!

I appreciate your contribution.

I also look forward to a better future for Nigeria

Nigeria we hail thee, our own dear native land. Though tribe and tongue may differ in brotherhood we stand.

This is our own nation, no matter what happens we can't run away from it. Rather we will join hands and build our nation.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Yes, indeed we lack many things and we have many things as well but hoping that Gods kingdom will restore all that was lost

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