The Unheard Story of Jaangli Language (Talubma) - PURE PUNJABI LANGAUGE - "Not like the Punjabi we are used to"

Salam Steemit Pakistan,

I have been absent for too long. MaShaALLAH the community has grown big at steemit. I admire great work of @haidermehdi and @hassanabid. May Allah Bless you with more. Keep up this great work.

Today I will be sharing an untold story of my dear mother language TALUMBA which is commonly known as Jaangli Language (Language of people of Jungle).

I have attached images that depict the Punjabi heritage.Punjabi is a beautiful language, Punjabi language has given this world great personalities, the likes of Buleh Shah, Sultan Bahu, Vir Singh, Khawaja Ghulam Farid. I won't be sharing the story of these greats here, but the story of a great warrior whom we have lost in history. It was because of this warrior the Talumba dialect is now known as Jaangli dialect.

The story is of a great leader and warrior ** Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal**. He was a Kind and just leader. Under HIS leadership the region of SANDAL BAR was a prosperous region. People here were happy. The economical condition of this region was best in all the regions of Punjab. There are many folk tales in old punjabi literature showing the good condition of this region.

Unfortunately the overall condition of subcontinent was not the best. The Britishers were colonizing whole India. East India Company was grabbing lands of the people and was eradicating rulers of in India. Rai Ahmed khan Kharal was also under pressure of East India Company to leave his people and give away his region to Britishers. Rai Ahmed Khan had witnessed the conditions of people under British rule, he had seen how Britishers came and forcefully applied taxes on people. They also used to treat people as slaves.

This is picture of Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal.

Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal was not a coward. He never gave up on his people. He didn't surrender and started giving Britishers hard time. Oliver Fitzhardinge Berkeley was assistant commissioner in British Army. He tried to take this Sandal Bar region with his army but was unsuccessful. As the people in this region were fighting against Britishers very tactfully.

The locals knew the regions very well. But the Britishers were new here. Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal knew that Britishers despite having great numbers could be beaten. He used to send a small number of battle trained locals to engage in fight with Britishers. The idea was to lure British enforcement into a trap. After attacking the british locals used to run towards their forests, they were great at camouflages. no matter how huge the enforcement was they managed to beat them by using their lands.

On the other hand Britishers were enraged. They took over most of the India, all the surrounding lands and a small territory was creating problems for them. the kept on sending more and more troops but were beaten every time. After loosing many battles Britishers then thought of other technique to win the war.

They started stopped the food supply to this region. They increased security over the river and tried to starve people to death. They also made sure that no one from this region goes to a government office. They also imprisoned the common people who had links to this region. Britishers started giving money to treacherous people of this region. They sent spies to the region to start revolt against Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal.

Britishers with all their efforts couldn't turn people against their leader. but they did successfully manage to turn a relative of ** Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal** to their side by offering him wealth and land. Britishers then plotted against the great leader with that treacherous relative.

They knew if they are able to kill Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal, the resistance will die with him. To get Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal out of his area they prepared the treacherous person to tell Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal that the security personnel on GUGERA will be going to Mumbai next week. So for this one day, there will just be 20 people for Jail security, so this is a chance for him to get his people out of the prison. Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal believed in his relative and prepared his army to march to GOGERA Jail. Britishers were ready for him. They surrounded him. They wanted to catch him alive so that they could make an example out of him for rest of the resisting states.

But Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal choose to die as a Shaheed, So he kept on fighting till his last breath.

Now, I would like to share some consequences, that this resistance brought.

Britishers, even after death of Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal never promoted education in this region. They never let these people to government offices. The people of this region who were pious and hard working hard became robbers. They had nothing else to do to win bread. for next 90 years those people were treated as illiterates and thieves. They had no facilities given to them to lift themselves as a nation.

Because these people used to hide in forests(Jungles). They were named as Jaanglis. Their language that was "Talumba" now was called Jaangli Language. To this day, literacy rate in that region is low. It takes time to lift a nation that has been deprived of basic rights for 100 years.

Thanks for reading the story of My Mother tongue.

Below are some images that show the culture of My dear Punjab.


Thankyou Steemit Pakistan



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