Steemit Engagement Challenge|| Three Things I Love About My Country and Three Changes i Will Like to see in My Country

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

image source fromBixabay


Hello 👋 y'all,

Steem greetings esteem steemians, I hope and believe y'all are doing super great 😃 in this wanderfull community. It's an honor to be participating in this community for the first time. I'm also honored to participate in this engagement contest / S1W1 which is talking about My views about my country. So I hope you all will love my entry and I hope you learn so much about my country because I got alot tell you guys.

So here my entry goes thus:,

Brief History Of My Country

My Country is Cameroon and it has a great history which I'm going to tell you guys. That says, Cameroon is headed by our beloved president, his Excellency President Paul Biya and Joseph Diongote as Prime minister who is also regarded as head the government. The capital of Cameroon is Yaounde which is located at the center. This means it will be extremely difficult for an external enermy to penetrate and reach our home capital successfully because it's heavily guarded

image source fromBixabay

Cameroon has two legislative houses, the Senate which is headed by Marcel Niat Njifenji since 12 June 2013 till present date and the national house of assembly which is headed by Cavayé Yéguié Djibril since the year 1992 till present date. Cameroon has a Unitary republican multiparty form of government and it's a member of both La-Francophonie and Commonwealth Nations.

image source fromBixabay

Cameroon is one of the only two country to be bilingual with two official language English and French same as Canada. Cameroon has the shape of a pregnant woman and it's bordered by four countries. To Northwest is bordered by our closes neighbor Nigeria, to Southeast is bordered by Congo republic, to Northeast is bordered by Chad, To the South is bordered by both Equitoria Guinea/Gabon and to the Southwest is bordered by the Atlantic ocean

Cameroon flag is made up of 3 vertical bands with amazing colors of Green, Red and Yellow then with a golden yellow star at the middle

  • The green color signifies the green forests in the country
  • The Red color signifies peace and unity
  • The yellow color signifies sunshine and savannah
  • The Star stands for star of unity

The Moto of Cameroon is Peace Work Fatherland and the national house was established when Cameroon got independent from France in 1960. Cameroon have been headed by two president and the first president was late Ahmadou Ahidjo whom headed For 22years from 1960 to 1982. The last and current president is Paul Biya who have been heading Cameroon since 1982 to present date.


My love for my Country is because of the following reasons


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It's quit interesting to know that Cameroon has over 300 species of animals and over 900 species of birds which are one of the richest biodiversity in the whole of West Africa. It also has a lot of wild life and home trained animals and birds which are loving, caring and friendly



The pygmies of BAKA are the first people to live in Cameroon and they continue to maintain their old living stand till date and they have a very strong and adorable culture. They are also one of the highest ethnic groups in Cameroon that produces traditional medicine that work perfectly which makes our country to be an attractive site to foreigners. This pygmies also have special skills in hunting, fishing and gatherings hence making their lifestyle unique and simple.

Great Mountain and comfortable hotel conditions for visitors and beautiful beaches

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Mount Cameroon has one of the largest volcanoes in Africa and it's having a height of 4023m and it's a good touristic site that always attract visitors. Cameroon also have very nice beaches such as the beach in Limbe and the other one in Kribi. This two Beaches are extremely beautiful because of its clear crystal waters and sparkling black or white sand with an absolute beautiful fabulous. This two Beaches are one of the most beautiful and attractive Beaches in the whole of West Africa and a place where I can recommend everyone to visit

As of 2022, it has been said that Cameroon has over 500 Hotels well equipped and furnished which visitors will like to visit and the best thing is that this hotels are not costly in terms of renting though they are of high quality. This is why I love my country so much because life here is very easy and less costly






You can see how some parts in Cameroon are suffering from poor roads infrastructure despite the fact that about 85% of Cameroon roads networking system of transportation are done using road transport. But it's unfortunate that this roads are surffering from potholes, cracks, no cycles, most don't have sidewalk roads, they don't have marking and also poor running drainage of running water. I hope the government sees into this and act because this has cause a lot of road accidents

High Level Of Bribery and Corruption


Cameroon is classified as one of the most corrupt Country in the world because corruption has highly affected practically all government sectors in Cameroon even including some churches and basically even private sectors. Now In Cameroon, it's only the rich people that have great opportunities to secure what ever the want even if its exams and concourse. In most concourse in Cameroon, about 70 to 80% of the candidates that succeed are people that have money and have bribe. It's hard to see intelligent people make it in concourse when they write together with rich people

I'm praying and hoping this problem should stop so that only deserving and hardworking people take their rightfull positions





Ambazonia crises began in 2016 and it all started as the English speaking lawyers and teachers started protesting in the streets peacefully by demanding a reformation of linguistics which then had to caused the military to start brutalizing them them until it later escalated into heavy war between the government and Ambazonia leaders. This caused schools to be officially banned by Ambazonia leaders and fighters. Till present date since 2016, going to school in the English speaking region is really risky because Ambazonia Fighter's are against it. This civil war have lead to killing of thousands of people, both Military, Ambazonia Fighter's and civilians causing people to lost their relatives, properties because of constant burning of houses, hospitals and schools

Presently, we have over 1 million internally displaced human beings that are victim of this crises. As I speak now, we are living under God's protection because it hasn't been easy with us all along. You can even see this my recent post about how we were caught up in a middle of an encounter between the military and the Ambazonia Fighter's. I pray to almighty God that he intervent so that the government can resolve this problem for peace to reign once more in this our beloved country


I will end here by inviting @tangwe-rene, @tenguhatanga, @wyzcekunited @ubongudofot, @ngwerast, @graciella and @echamroland to come and participate in this amazing contest


Cameroon is really blessed with biodiversity,hotels,mountains,animals ,cultural values etc .Wow you really know the history of your country .When it comes to leadership inCameroon government you find one and same person ruling for many years with a change .you mentioned member of the house of assembly and head of senate Marcel Niat Njifenji.Bribery and corruption is over practice in Cameroon .People who merit to be working are been denied of their Pre village because of bribe .and turn to give it to those that don’t merit.Which is too bad I pray the government of Cameroon should enaged in fighting against this .Bad roads is one of the most challenging things the government of Cameroon need too look in .Even in towns you still see roads in bad site .ooo😭😭😭Englophone crisis has worsen things in our country .The government has proven not to solve the problem .rate of unemployment is very high ,stealing ,armrobing etc is a common thing in Cameroon .we pray for peace to return back as before .

Cameroon is really blessed with biodiversity,hotels,mountains,animals ,cultural values

You said it all my dear, we are proud Cameroonians because of how blessed God has bless our land despite all the odds.

When it comes to leadership inCameroon government you find one and same person ruling for many years with a change .you mentioned member of the house of assembly and head of senate Marcel Niat Njifenji.Bribery and corruption is over practice in Cameroon .

This is one other problem about our country Cameroon. Thanks for bringing this up. It's so painful to know that about 70% of the Cameroonian employees are made up of only older people then living a vast majority of youths to be very stranded and frustrated. I hope they adjust this predicament soon and start giving younger generation more attention when it comes to employment opportunities

Even in towns you still see roads in bad site .ooo😭😭😭Englophone crisis has worsen things in our countr

We pray that roads should be constructed most especially in the remote areas into villages because most are extremely very bad. We also pray God hear our cry in this un-going Anglophone crises

Thanks for the invite.

Finally a post on Caneroon but i know more will come. Seriously i loved the points that need change as they are toooooo accurate. The roads in some areas is not something you'll like to see, i don't travel much but i see it on TV sometimes. Then talking of embezzlement and corruption its like you can't survive in Cameroon without connections and thats too bad.

And finally the crisis, for over 6 years now some lives have just put on hold, the ones that were lost and everything. I really pray it all gets better

You said it all dear, connection is what is making people to be having Jobs because of how they bribe with their huge sum of money. Hopefully I pray this stop soon even though it won't be easy

The roads in some areas is not something you'll like to see, i don't travel much but i see it on TV sometimes

Hahaha you be ajebo pikin nor. I dong Waka all places them for dis country and I have gone through all types of bad roads

And finally the crisis, for over 6 years now some lives have just put on hold, the ones that were lost and everything. I really pray it all gets better

I believe God will hear our cry and answer our prayers towards this matter soon

 2 years ago 

Amén a todos tus deseos, espero que la crisis en tu país pueda mejorar, las carreteras viales puedan ser mejoradas y la corrupción acabe, es muy doloroso vivir en un país o una ciudad con tantas preocupaciones! Sin embargo ,también se puede apreciar lo bello de Pakistán, pues su vida salvaje es tan diversa , al igual que sus lugares turísticos😍 y tiene una cultura muy interesante!!!excelente publicación.!!! Felicidades @chiabertrand ... Saludos!!!

Yeah you are right my dear, living in a city with poor infrastructures, high level of corruption and most of all in a war zone is very dangerous

Hopefully we are praying to God almighty ti have mercy on us and rescue us

Thanks for the visit 🤗

Hello @chiabertrand, I think I can visit Cameroon because I speak french and english too, but I would need a tourist walk just to see the wonderful fauna that you show in the photos, in my country there are no these species of fauna.

 2 years ago 

Wow!!! Thats great!!! Coming to our country for a touristic visit is supper wonderful and we will welcome you anyhow you want. You could contact Me for that.

There is alot more you can see which is not in the post.

You are right bro, we are very welcoming. Thanks for also assuring her

Oooh My God 😊, it's an honor to hear you can speak both English and French which happens to be our official languages. It means if you came to Cameroon then you won't be facing any language challenges

I hope you have a visit to this our beloved country some days, I will highly welcome you with open hands and I believe you will enjoy your stay here because of the so much touristic sites we have🤗

Saludos amigo @chiabertrand, me agrado leer tu publicación y concoer un poco más de tu amada tierra. Sin duda alguna, con grandes cosas para concer.

Espero que mejore la situación en Camerún y se empiecen a fabricar la infraestructura, tan imporntae para una nación.

Dios tenga misericordia de todas estas personas que están viviendo esta situación tan difícil. Que se pueda llegar a un acuerdo y cese esta guerra, tan perjudicial para los habitantes de esta nación.

Dios te guarde y bendiciones

Greetings friend @chiabertrand , I liked reading your publication and knowing a little more about your beloved land. Without a doubt, with great things to discover

Greetings sir, I'm glad 😊 you have had a little knowledge about our beloved country Cameroon. It's a Country full of touristic sites which is good for visitors

I hope that the situation in Cameroon improves and the infrastructure, which is so important for a nation, begins to be built.

Yes this is our hopes too. But it is set Cameroon will become an emergence and developed nation by the year 2035 and we believe so because there is high level of infrastructural development un-going which shows us a positive signs

God have mercy on all these people who are experiencing this difficult situation. May an agreement be reached and this war, so detrimental to the inhabitants of this nation, cease.

I believe God will hear our cry and answer our prayer towards this soon

Thanks for wanderful engagement sir, I really do appreciate

This is a brilliant and distinguish presentation @chiabetrand .This is one of the richest country country in Africa . Looking ravishing from the North to the South and the attractions ranging from the physical to the cultural and breath taking .

You have equally done well in presenting the significance of the different colours of the country which is green , red and yellow.

Rich cultural diversity that could only be found in Cameroon and no where else.

The breathe taking biodiversity is worth taking into consideration when visiting this beautiful country . This is what makes the country unique in Africa and the world and large.

Hope you bring more of these attractions to sell the image of this beautiful country .

About corruption and other ills i just humbly submit them to God. Cuz i am really tired .....🤣🤣

Hahaha the high level of corruption in this country is too much bro. I hope me and you can change it tomorrow when we become high profile personels

You got the point ......

 2 years ago 

Bro that is a brilliant write up. You touch sll the essentials parts of the country . We hope to see alot of people coming i for touristic .

Thanks for reading bro. Indeed Cameroon is our Country, so I can boost I know many things about this our beloved nation

What a lovely country that is now under the influence of war.. It's a pity that the ward hasn't come to an end.. But i pray that things change for good and people will be allowed to do things according to their will. Greetings!

This is exactly my prayers too bro

I hope God hear our cries and prayers towards this ongoing war

 2 years ago 

The Throne of God Rest upon Cameroon Bro.

I am proud to be a Cameroonian🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲.

We are proud Cameroonians despite all what is happening bro. I believe God will soon bless us and free us from Ambazonia crises

 2 years ago 

Cameroon is a Central African country with a diverse landscape and animals, located on the Gulf of Guinea. Yaoundé, the country's inland capital, and Douala, the country's largest city and harbour, are both gateways to ecotourism destinations.

Best of luck for the contes dear friend..... 👍👍

Woow I'm impressed with this your valuable input and information about my country Cameroon bro. This means people from outside our country also knows little about us

Thanks for the wishes my brother

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