Weekly Engagement Week # 21|| Mind Body Spirit - Write about Memory Improvement

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Everyone wants to live their life to the fullest.
No one wants disturbance in their minds and in their lives.
Everyone wants peace but no one is able to find peace to the extreme level.
Somehow a little bit of disturbance is left.
What causes this peace and disturbance????
What controls these sentiments and why peace is limited???
We will try to find out the answers to them.



We have heard it alot that our mind plays an important role in peace in our lives and in betterment of our lives.
Alot of people have wondered that is mind only responsible for this big situation and the answer they got was no.
Mind is not only responsible for this big responsibility.
A healthy mind accompany with healthy body and healthy soul are responsible for our better lives.
We can't deny the fact that mind is still the most responsible but other two things are important for mind so indirectly all of these three things are equally important.
Now that we know that A healthy mind, body and spirit our responsible but what are these things???


A healthy mind

As discussed earlier.
It is the most essential part for our better life.
Mind is something capable of organizing multiple things at a time.
But not all minds can do this properly.
It would not be wrong if said that only a healthy mind is capable of organizing multiple things.
A mind has multiple tasks and it has to process alot of things.
A healthy mind is capable of filtering all the negativity and only process the positivity in order to achieve peace.



A Healthy Body

This is most known thing and almost everyone is working hard to achieve a healthy body.
Everyone nowadays is struggling to have a healthy body which is a good thing but very less people know the actual meaning of a healthy body.
A healthy body is free from negativity.
Negativity of the body is unhealthy food and unhealthy thoughts.


A Healthy soul

Very few people know the actual meaning of a healthy soul.
A healthy soul is one which thinks of everyone surrounding them.
A healthy soul is free from selfishness and envy.
A person with a healthy soul is the most successful because he follows the path advised by our religion and one who follows the right path, always succeed.
In short a healthy soul is also a source of peace in our lives.


Mind body and soul are inter connected with each other and they all are dependent on each other to provide peace to a person.
In today's world people admire peace. But they don't know that these three things are necessary for that.
A healthy mind urges people to think positive and do all positive work.
It is human nature that people feel good after doing good to others so if a person has a healthy mind they help others which lead to their happiness and inner peace.
A healthy mind leads to healthy soul as healthy soul is full of positivity.
These two things finally leads to a healthy body.


Keeping mind healthy seems to be a simple thing but it is not as easy as it seems.
Being a medical student i know what actually brain is and how it works.
Brain is divided into multiple parts according to function so it is not easy keep every single thing healthy.
Following are some of the things and activities that i think are beneficial for healthy mind.


The first and the most important thing is to possess positivity and spread positivity by your actions.
It seems easy but it isn't to follow.

Indulge in fun activities

To have a peace of your mind a person must spend some time doing your favorite thing.
You should either find your favorite sport or any other activity which helps you relax.
Doing what you love is source of happiness and peace.

Control your anger

One should control your anger and try to be calm in every situation.
Our mind works with different hormones and anger is due to a hormone adrenaline but still a person should try their best to control anger.
This is how a person can achieve a healthy and peaceful mind.


Keeping a soul Healthy is as important as keeping a mind healthy.
Following are some of the things to keep your soul healthy.

Islamic point of view

Keeping a soul healthy is important in our religion and it is also discussed and emphasized in quran.
It is said in Quran that indeed the peace of a person is only achieved by remembering Allah.
It is a spiritual thing yet the most important thing.

Meditation and yoga are also said to be good for inner peace.
I have no experience in that but i have heard it alot maybe i should try it sometime but all the experienced people say that it is beneficial.


Keeping your body healthy is the simplest and most discussed thing.
Following are some things that people often follow to keep their body healthy

Avoid Junk food

Avoiding junk food can help achieve a healthy body.
Eating healthy is beneficial in alot of things.
One should plan their balanced diet and follow it strictly.
Junk food should be consumed very less and not more than once in a month.


Doing excercise and playing sports is also important.
It is actually fun and peace is achieved with fun.



Every person on Earth must have wished to have a wonderful memory.
Everyone wish to learn their exams and everything else in a short time and with perfection.
But memory is not only limited to exams.
Memory is a very important yet neglected part in our lives.
We often complain of not having a good memory just because we are not able to learn a difficult question but this is not good.
Memory is basically remembering even the smallest thing like what you had in dinner or where you intend to go. We neglect these smallest things but they are important and their importance is appreciated by people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
They really know the importance of memory.
Memory should be focused and improved and following are some of the things that i think are good for improving memory.



Memory is important for everyone specially students suffering from exams.
Some people have photographic memory and for them everything is easy but for people like us there are two major problems.

  1. We can't remember anything
  2. It takes time to remember anything.

The things that i discussed earlier about mind body and spirit are also involved in betterment of memory.
Following are the connections of Body mind and spirit with memory.


There is a specific part of brain called as hippocampus which is responsible for long term memory.
It is beleived that all the memory is saved in the hippocampus but it is deleted as the time passes by.
A healthy mind can help to increase the duration of memory saved in the hippocampus.
For a healthy mind multiple things are available among which positivity is the most important one.


According to researches a person is tend to learn more with less effort when he is physically happy.
And a person can only be physically happy when he is physically fit.
Another research tell us that students learn well when their favorite dishes are given to them.


A person who is spiritually healthy has a better memory because he is free from all the worldly problems and free from all the negativity.
A person who is free from all the disturbance has a better memory.


After all the things concentration is required for a better memory.
Concentration is achieved when a person have a dedication towards their goals and is only concentrated to succeed.


Achievement 1

 3 years ago 

Hello @callmebilal
I must say that I am really astonished with your writing skills and you also explain every aspect of your content with all your heart.
Mind, Body and Spirit interrelation was described very adequately I must say and their connection to memory.
I also look forward to remember all the points about keeping your mind, body and spirit alive and try to apply all those points in my life.
A very huge Thanks for this article, it is must needed in these times of uncertainity.


 3 years ago 

Asalam Waalikum @callmebilal

I have read your post. It is well written. I have some questions, In your post, you have said about how to have a healthy brain. and the exercises or practices you have told us are "POSITIVITY", "DOING OYUR FAV STUFF' and "CONTROLLING ANGER". Which are awesome advice, but the thing is i believe I do all those things which are mentioned above, but still I am suffering from memory loss. I am an engineering student and sometimes i even forget about the basics like the 2nd Law of Newton.

I would like to suggest you write a post only on memory and how to make it strong, that would really help me and I m sure also many other members of our community.

By the way, This is post was awesome

Hello @dull-deku , may be I can help to answer you, I studied and listened some where that doing fingers pressing exercise for 20 minutes daily along with yoga and brain focusing helps a lot in improving your memory. As the fingers exercise will stimulate the receptors and doing this on regular basis will create a fast connection between the brain and receptors. Because when brain will pick the same thing continuously , it will start focusing in short time,
I hope I have delivered it to you
More over, I have also written this tip into my contest post on This topic, you can visit that for better understanding.
Thank you 😊

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