Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Be the Critical thinkers we want to see! || By @bukkyi4u

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago


Edited with imarkup


A very good day to the entire Steemit Ecosystem and Steem Pakistan Community. It is very nice participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge for the third week in this particular community.

What is even more nice and interesting are the themes that have been laid out for our discussion in this week's contest. I've had a really hard time trying to defend some of these statements but actually came up with some interesting research that helped me a great deal. Have a nice read!


You will stay happier if you are unmarried


Indeed I have come to discover through my very informed and erudite research as well as through personal experiences and observations that staying unmarried actually makes you happier. There are several reasons in support of this position and opinion of mine.

As I usually do when faced with such matters as this, I would like to approach the argument by speaking from several issues which include economic issues, social issues as well as international or national issues in support of this argument.

National or International Issues

To begin with, looking at the national issue or international issue which refers to how staying unmarried will affect our nation states or countries in the world I would like to note that staying unmarried has the ability to control the ever-growing and exploding global population in a positive way.

The exploding global population which is becoming difficult to control has the ability of creating a lot of negative impact in the world. It often makes people begin to migrate or move away from rural areas to the urban areas and this creates slums in the urban areas which normally comes with a major health issue.

Equally, the explosion of population leads to the degradation of the environment creating more toxic wastes into the environment and this goes a long way in spoiling the biosphere. Staying unmarried would make you happier knowing very well that you would be contributing in a great way in controlling the birth rate which has been increasing over the years.

Economic Issues



Again, approaching it from the economic level, you will discover that staying unmarried has the ability to make one more financially satisfied and happy and not to go bankrupt. This is due to the fact that someone who is unmarried can better control and manage his meager resources and finances if he is not well to do than when he is married and has a wife and probably a larger family to take care of.

According to a research which was featured on the American journal of epidemiology it was discovered that when people go through very serious financial strain it increases the risk of them attempting to commit suicide or take their own lives by 20-fold. Because of this you will discover that one would be happier if he has finances that are enough to meet his immediate personal needs. This will be made difficult or compounded if he has larger mouths to feed which in effect increases the likely rate of suicide.

Social Issues

From the social angle you will discover that not marrying has the ability to make one happier in that he does not become a social mockery or lose his social standing, respect or status if he should become a divorcee. Staying unmarried has the ability to control the high rate of divorce witnessed in society today. In several societies and a lot of times people who have passed through diverse experiences are stigmatized.

Imagine a situation whereby a marriage counselor suddenly has to go through the difficulty of a failed marriage. This would reduce his or her social reputation and would only actually be contributing to an increase in the global divorce rate which is not good. When a family goes through divorce, if they have infant children or children who are still growing it would normally have a great negative impact on the children.

This is because they wouldn't have the opportunity of a proper home upbringing and they are exposed immediately to the cruel world of staying with single or divorced parents. Therefore, when one remains unmarried it would make him or her happier since this could greatly reduce the chance of him or her becoming a divorcee thereby creating a potential social menace of children being raised from divorced homes.


Money is more important than love




As always I will also like to approach this particular argument from three major issues namely economic issues, social issues and national issues.

Social Issues

In society today you will discover that it is better to have more money rather than seeking the love of people because naturally when you have more money it draws or attracts the love of people without you having to fight, struggle or even beg for it. That is to say that you cannot be loved more for simply being a nice person rather than being a rich person. It is good to be nice but being rich places you at a pedestal that ordinarily makes people respect and love you as well.

A great example is Elon Musk. We didn't know so much about him until he became recognised by Forbes magazine as the richest man in the world. This has earned him the attraction, love and respect of a great number of people all over the world and some are always keen to hear what he has to say on important issues.

Obviously, him becoming a rich man has worked better for him than if he were to remain poor and only being a nice person and hoping or expecting people to just love him the way he is. In that situation he would only be begging for people's love and playing nice.

Economic Issues

Having more money makes it possible for you to handle or take care of your needs rather than having to depend on people or just sit around and complain that the government is not doing enough. When people lose their jobs they become bankrupt and find it difficult to find a footing in life. This makes them become frustrated to some extent and begin to complain of bad government especially in third world countries.

I prefer to have more money than to have more love from people because having more money is able to put food on my table and take care of my personal needs in a satisfactory way rather than having the love of people. Simply having more love from people can not put food on your table.

Even, you will discover that the beautiful ladies or girls who would normally get married to rich people. Is it actually always logically based on true love only? Or will you put into consideration the fact that the man is rich to justify beautiful ladies always ending up in their court. Are you trying to say that poor people do not have the ability to love beautiful girls as well? The answer is simple: More money means more love from the ladies. Love alone is not enough, money is more important and has a more powerful force of attraction than just ordinary love.

National Issues

Money is more important than love even when considered as a national imperative or something that stands to benefit the nation in a better way in the sense that having money has the potential and ability of making someone stay away from crime. Sometimes people go into criminal activities because of frustration as a result of poor standard of living.

One who seeks to make more money rather than seeking to receive more love from people or from anyone is on the right track as he is focused on making himself a better person. This makes him gainfully occupied and prevents him from going into crimes. This will reduce the national criminal rate and benefit the country more.


Votes are not guaranteed




Indeed, votes are not guaranteed. After all, nothing is guaranteed in life. There is no guarantee that the more beautiful girls will even get married to the richest husbands. There is no guarantee that you would even wake up tomorrow morning because so many have gone to bed and slept forever without any justifiable cause.

There is no guarantee that the politician who has promised to be nice and live up to responsibility will actually follow through with his campaign promises. Really, nothing is guaranteed in life. However, this would be approaching the statement, votes are not guaranteed, from a lighter point of view.

Approaching it from a more serious point of view I would like to first note that votes are not guaranteed, especially considering the fact that this statement is actually in defence of the concept behind the proof of brain consensus mechanism which underpins the Steemit ecosystem. The proof of brain mechanism values the work of humans. Communities come together with their participants to engage in works produced out of human intellect and capacity as the mechanism for mining. Mining in this system will not depend on electricity or struggling to locate hashes as you see in proof of work.

Consequently, the painstaking works and contributions of members and participants are highly valued. So, votes cannot be guaranteed for works that do not meet required standards but only come out of mediocrity. For one to increase his chances of receiving votes I believe he should struggle to produce works that meet required standards as his best chance or shot at getting voted. This is consistent with the demands of the proof of brain mechanism.

If the curators should vote for undervalued contents it will lead to poor content discovery on the trending page and this is against the proof of brain mechanism. So, indeed in this regard votes are not guaranteed especially when articles did not meet required standards.

Furthermore, I believe that there aren't enough curators that possess the adequate voting mana and resources to attend to every single user on the Steemit Ecosystem. The voting mana of the limited Steem curators could eventually be depleted for the day and would need to be recycled in 24 hours.

This would be the major factor that would work against curating every single post especially considering the huge participation in the ongoing Steemit Engagement Contest. So, even when one produces high-quality content, it doesn't seem like there is enough voting mana to cater for everyone. Consequently, all communities should struggle to build community curating accounts that would be able to get to all and sundry in the near future.




The themes that have been brought out to be defended by way of cogent arguments in this week's contest on the Steem Pakistan community interests me in several ways. First, having done a series of researches I have come to the conclusion that one has greater chances of remaining happy if he is unmarried because it can help him to manage his meager resources, among other things.

Furthermore, one of the themes required defending the statement that "money is more important than love". Actually, I concur with this as money even has the ability to attract people's love and respect towards you. Finally, I believe that communities should begin to do more to build stronger community curation accounts by encouraging members to delegate willingly in order to ensure that there is enough voting mana to cater to everyone's needs.



When one has more money he is in a better position to handle most of his personal needs and even extend a helping hand to the larger society. So, I believe it is very important to do everything acceptable within the law to acquire wealth.

Wealth has very great potential of making one truly satisfied in life, especially if gotten through the right means. This is not actually to say that love is not important but money has the capacity to attract love and respect.

So many homes have been shattered and many children are left without proper home upbringing. The rate of divorce is increasing day by day. If one is not physically, mentally, spiritually, economically and socially prepared for marriage I believe you would stay happier if he remains unmarried.

I agree with you. It is important to be mentally, physically, spiritually and all-round prepared for marriage. It is not something we should rush into, otherwise it is better to remain single and happier.

I appreciate all your comments. However, I would love to see more engagements. Even, I would like to see differing opinions so that we can all learn.

Indeed nothing is guaranteed in life. I am particularly happy that the Steemit team is adopting this measure in order to ensure that only high-quality posts are voted. However, I would appreciate it if more curators can be made available to attend to all the quality posts.

Yes, I agree with you. It is important to have enough curators to attend to all the posts especially the quality contents that are shared here on steemit so that no effort will be a waste.

Nowadays there seem to be a lot of suicide cases. I believe some of these are due to lack of proper planning and preparedness. Some people can go into marriage without any gainful employment; this would be sitting on a keg of gunpowder.

Hmm. You cannot underestimate the importance of proper planning and preparedness in any aspect of someone's life and not just even marriage. Going into marriage without proper planning or without being properly and meaningfully employed is a suicidal mission.

You are very right bro

It is very true that when one has more money he stands to enjoy more love and respect from the larger society. Simply seeking people's love only has often proven to be counterproductive unless you have something to offer.

It is true that when one is nice he would often be loved by people. However, it is also true that one who is rich and equally nice as well would usually attract more love from a larger society. You are actually on point.

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