RE: ICE-BREAKING CHALLENGE | If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
If I could have one power it would definitely be super speed like that of The Flash. As in having the speed to move so fast, time pauses😀. I would be able to faze through walls and solid objects and not just that, I would be able to travel in time🤯. I would run up and down buildings just cause I can🤭.
With all that power, I would be able to do what ever pleases me whenever it pleases me😏.
I could be a bad guy and go back in time and create a false image of myself as a god and when I return to the present, everyone and everything will worship me and kneel at my feet.
Or I could be a good guy😑. Stop all bad guys and stuff. Wait a minute, I could stop all wars on the globe and threaten anyone who doesn't recycle or is not eco-friendly. But threaten is a strong word though, more of advise😏.
Well, that's my entry.
Also, I tag @larissa237.
Waah, I AM THE FASTEST MAN IN THE WORLD... I AM THE FLASH. Hahaha that's all I know.
There is power in the mind.
What you think, is what you can do.
I pray God gives you this superpower to achieve all that are found in your thoughts.
Nice one dear
Having Flash 's power sounds interesting.
I know, right😁