Weekly Engagement Contest Week 21 || Tips To Improve Memory || My Entry

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago



We forget many things several times. Specially it happens when we go to market or we go to buy something. Every human don’t have the same ability to remember or memorizing power. From the Greek scientists we have came to know that, 14 billion nerve cells are linked together to form an electro chemical circle, it is called ENGRAM. Each ENGRAM is the way to brain power. Genetic engineers say, if parents have a good memorizing power then there is a good possibility to have the same to their children. For this reason mind power depends about 60% on the individual criteria of hereditary gene. Rest 40% depends on nature, nutrition foods and the exercise of brain. According to the scientists, if any children bear the gene of less mind power by the grace of better surroundings he/she can improve the quality of memorizing. So, favorable conditions & brain exercise may help to increase memory. Now know some tips to increase your brain power:

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There are some ways to sharpen the memory in Ancient Herbal treatment. Brahmi Shak is such an organic ingredient which is used in various drugs to increase memory. An natural way to healthy the brain is –Soak ten wood nuts, two small white cardamoms, two dried persimmon in an earthen pot of water previous day. The next day, in morning peel the Nut, crop out grains, dried out palm seed is refined with 30 grams of sugar will take to blend. If this 25 gm mixture is taken with butter every day, brain will be healthy and memorizing power would increase.

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Do you know that regular exercise increases your memory? Specially Aerobics exercises are more supportive in this case. This exercise is to do on the melody which becomes the practices for the brain. To remember the system ones had to create pressure on brain, thus increases the memory normally. Again Yoga helps to increase the brain power. Some seats of the yoga ensure the full rest of the brain. Thus working power of the brain increases and capability of remembering also increases.

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3:Nutritious Food

Nutritious meals greatly help to increase memory. When baby stays in wombs, baby’s brain composition requires some elements. If the pregnant women take nutrition regularly brain will develop properly. Protein and fat foods helps in this regard. Soybean, milk, liver, nuts, butter etc. contains special Kaolin material. Kaolin is a means of providing data transfer to synapse. These elements are found in foods that’s why nutritious foods are contributing enough to increase memory.

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It is easy to remember if it is learned concentrating on any subject. So give a substantial amount of time when you are studying or learning something. Attention is a mental process. So exercising it Increases mind power.

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5:Give rest to the Brain:

If after applying pressure brain fails to remember something give it rest for few moments. Think something new except that. As a result the thing will come to your mind after sometime. This process is very affected full to remember something.

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6:Listen, Read and Write:

Learning something is easy to remember at the time when we hear it from the others. For this reason it is easy to memorize from any teacher’s lecture during class and it remains in our memory. Read aloud several times while reading it, it will be easy to remember. After reading if it is written, it would create an image on our brain. Thus the thing is easy to remember. So after reading make a habit of writing it.

I am pretty sure by following these tips everyone can improve his memory and Brain power.


With Love 💕


 3 years ago 

I really like your post dear. It is very informative and not only well explained but also used good images. Keep working like this 👍👍👍good job.

Thank for visiting and encouraging💞.

Well written... useful and informative post👌

Thank you so much for appreciate and encouraging me 💕

 3 years ago 

You explained this topic very well and the images you used is very effective I must say your points for improve your memory is to be noted 💯

Thank you so much 🥰

 3 years ago 

Great You explained almost each and everything but personally i like your 5 and 6 paragraph

because if we don’t give rest our mind it will create difficulties for us like depression unhappiness etc.

Reading, listening and writing is also a factor for improving memory.

Oh Thanks friend for understanding my writing .....Hope you like my upcoming Articles too.😊

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