The Diary game | club5050 | 26-12-2021 | A day at friends place

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

10% payout of this post goes to @steemit-pak

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well. I am good too and back with another diary game. Today was a good day with a foggy beautiful weather. I , my mother and one of my mother's friend with her family went to my mother's another friend's place. She has shifted to a new house and its been a long time since we had not visited her.

I wake up too late today and even couldn't offered fajar salah. After getting up, i made my bed. Washed my face and headed to the kitchen. There i helped my mother in some kitchen work. After meal , offered duhur prayers. Then i started getting ready to go there. After some time, the Auntie's son came to pick us all. We left for their house at around 3:30pm. Before that, i offered asar prayer. On the way we Brought some fruits and cake.

When we reached there, they all were already waiting for us and we greeted each other. They showed us their home. Ma sha Allah ma sha Allah their house was very beautiful and big. I genuinely enjoyed alot there with my friends. We clicked some photos together and then went down to had meal.



I couldn't ate too much, as my belly was already filled. I took biryani which i shared with aunty later with some chaat. After that, i helped in kitchen.




After meal, we girls went up into the room and had too much fun together. Afterwards, my mother called me and we came home back. But before coming, again we started clicking photos on the road, there was little fog outside so we enjoyed.

After coming home back, i made tea for my brothers,as their friend was home. Now i have to offer my night prayers. So good bye guys. Thank you all.


My introduction



we girls went up into the room and had too much fun together.

Spending time with friends is always a great feeling which made your mind refresh.

 3 years ago (edited)

Yes you are right
Thank you for reviewing my post

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