RE: ICE-BREAKING CHALLENGE | If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
First of all thank you for this contest @event-horizon, Khair Mubarak and same to u. So, the topic of contest is very interesting if I could have a superpower then I would like to rewind the time and spend time with my father and brother. I missed them a lot and I would like to meet them again to tell how much I loved them and how much they both are important for me. I would like to enjoy my childhood with my friends again which I have lost now. Childhood is a time when you have no worries, no tensions. I would like to become child again. To get ride of all the tensions and anxiety.
If I could have a suprepower then I eradicate all the bad people for this world and share happiness with everyone especially the poor and needy people.
If I could have a superpower then I would like to travel all over the world and discover every new place. I would like to climb mountains.
If I could have a power then I would like to touch the sky. See all the world and beauty of the world. I would like the see the view of Makkah and Madina because scientist said it's only one place which is visible even when you are near to sky.
I would like to invite
@vvarishayy for Participation
I can relate to why you want these powers. ❤️
To fulfill my aims. and these wishes can't be fulfilled without any superpower.
I could get a super power I would like to rewind time like The Avengers.