Share Your Business plans By @aminasafdar | 10% payout to @steemit-pak

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)
Hi, This is Amina Safdar and Greetings to all, hope you are all doing well. In this articles I am going to share the best possible ways to start your business from your home, without much investment of money just by your skills.How to self-employ yourself, cashing your skill by working few hours a day, doing at any time and at any where in your day life routine. Also how to turn your skill sets into your baby business in this pandemic.


What is Business and what businesses are to do in pandemic?

Business is generating any product that could be in the form of physical or digital structure, then selling that product to the audience out there seeking for that product. Business is basically relay on the satisfaction of the audience you are making your products for. There needs to a trust between the business owner and the client when they are making a sell and purchase, that make them stick to each other for their service. Now in the pandemic when everyone is shut down in their homes on and off, most of the people in the world turn to the idea of work from home. This kind of working from home, where your individual efforts are put down in a project, where you are your own boss is called the Freelancing

How many Categories are in freelance industry to work in this pandemic?

Giant mass of individuals(48%) in Pakistan adapted freelancing in 2020-2021. And Pakistan ranked 4 among the countries who earned through the freelancing in 2021.source. Upwork, fiverr,freelancer and LinkedIn are some freelance platform to work on. So if this is the condition let’s move towards the freelance categories out there:

1.Freelance writing/Content Marketing

This includes writing and generating content in the form of blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, creative writings, and ebooks to educate the people out there about a certain niche(topic) or Brand. This includes the content that make people to take an action and buy a certain product you are writing about or it simply just selling the online courses or online tutorials.


These are the people who write specifically about the brand and market their products, this should be precise enough.Plus it generates the ads for the brands or a certain product or writing about the websites

3.Video Editors

These people take the natural footage ,apply filters, affects, edit,crop,enhance, gather the information stored in the video in a refine and define manner, for the marketing purpose mostly because people spend most time watching videos on internet.The apps for the video editing that are mostly used are Adobe Premium Rush, iMovie and FilmoraGo.


This includes making the website, maintain the features of the website, even there are self-hosting websites where you can maintain your online content in your showcase all by yourself. This includes the command of the software skills for web designing, so that you can make new and creative designs for the website using softwares like: Wix, Adobe XD, Weebly and which is best for the blogging business)


I would prefer Freelance writing to start with.


Writing is something that improves your English skills, on the other hands it is not that technical stuff to do in freelance industry as the other categories demand. Freelance writing is a business because you sell your writing, you write for your clients and satisfy them, you sell your writing on your certain pay rate which you can change from time to time according to the demand of the client for your writing. So it is safe to call it a business, and start writing for other client, for that you need to follow the following tips:

1.Consider your Niche(TOPIC)


Niche is the industry or the topic you want to write about. This could be based on technology, finance, life style, health, yoga and exercises, ppets, beauty products, mental health, supports, books reviews anything you name it(or related to your passion). Niche further could be of two categories:
Macro-Niche: This could be the whole industry you are willing to write about. Let say technology is your niche, but it contains the many little niches in it which make it the macroniche. Information technology, mobile development, augmented reality, robotics and cryptocurrency are the niche that combine together to make the macro-niche. Working in macroniche is not a good start for the beginners.
Micro-Niche: This includes the sub-niches in the macro niche like crytocurrency. You can write on this microniche because there is less competition would be here and it is good start from the small level.

2.Research for the niche that is profitable(Cash in on)

Research for your niche thoroughly, and see if that could make money for you or if that is more competitive. See the more money making niches are in the affiliate programs(association which other organisations or brands) and ads for the brands, but there is already a good rush there not to start as a beginner. On the other hands see which is more competitive niche(usually generates less money than the former mentioned), these includes the content that is information based or the content that is commercial based(for brands)


How to start your business through your writing and start you own blog


After gaining the experience by writing for the local clients(your country) or international clients, you become a kind of expert in writing according to the demand of your audience. You become expert to educate your audience about the things you are writing, by influencing them to take an action by clicking the like you provide along with your content to make a purchase. So take a step further more to start your business in the blogging industry where you can showcase all your previous work and the client can see your work directly there and ask for your service.( could be logo designs, pinterest pictures, writing). Make your website by following tips:

1.Define your Domain Name(name of your website)

For making your website first thing you need to consider is having the name of your website that should reflect the name of your niche and the blog you are willing to write about. For instance my blog is related to content writing tips, so domain name should be, or In addition to that your own name(which is on social media platforms) should reflect in your domain name like, or Common platforms that provide domain host for your name are
• DreamHost
• GoDaddy
• Enom
• Hostinger( gives you free domain for one year when you subscribe to their annual web hosting service)

2.Consider your website

Best option for blogging website is wordpress because its templates are easy to use plus more among the bloggers out there carry this website. In addition it provides a self host ability which means you can manage your content in the website. Some others are:
• LinkedIn
• Blogger
• Medium
• Weebly
• Tumblr
• Ghost



That’s pretty much it to give the ideas about working from home in freelance industry to survive in this pandemic.See your interest,choose your niche, excel in that for particular time, make clients, build your social network, then turn your skill into building your own blog to start a business by selling your work and building a website.
Hope it could add value to anyone out there.






Genial proyecto, escribir contenido para un blog no es tarea fácil! hay que tener mucha amplitud y creatividad, de seguro esto es algo que muchos clientes pueden solicitar ! saludos desde Venezuela.

 3 years ago 

offcourse blogging is not a piece of cake, that's why i mentioned blogging at the last for starting a business, but if you are consistent with your writing then surely one day you can start blogging by building your network as well. Greetings from Pakistan:)

 3 years ago 
Prime MemberNo

Account operated by @event-horizon

 3 years ago 

Kindly check that out, I'm a member of club5050.

 3 years ago 

Your power-ups ( 4 STEEM) of last 30 days are less than your normal transfers ( 9 STEEM).

 3 years ago (edited)

Ok then let me do it again, You can check now @event-horizon:)

 3 years ago 

Now you are club5050 :) Always keep a check about your clubs status :)

 3 years ago 

Yes surely I'll keep an eye on my status.

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