How screen time affects the development of kids.

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

If you want to raise your kids healthy, this is for you.


Masha and the bear

This is my nephew, watching cartoon, ignoring whatever is happening around him. This picture is couple of weeks old.

Seeing his immense attention towards this show, makes me wonder, how coddle he was there. But while studying, after few minutes, he is like, I'm tired now, i feel sleepy, leave the rest of the study for another life.

He is not very addicted to screen, but when he picks up a mobile phone, and searches his favourite cartoon on YouTube, then he is lost.

Then i have many cousins who are addicted to their tabs and phones. They binge watch unhealthy stuff, entertainment or play games, among pubg tops the list.

When their mother asks them to shut their devices and study. They ignore her, like literally ignore her. If their devices are taken away from them by force, they would fight with their siblings. They would yell and cry for their screens.

They are getting very low in their grades, besides the fact that they go in one of the best schools of the city.

This is very problematic. I see mothers who put their kids(even 5 to 6months old) on screen, when they refuse to eat. They no longer play outside. Their mothers think that's ok, because they no longer cause trouble in the home, or create a mess.

Every unhealthy addiction to anything which is not natural is not normal. Young mothers need to educate themselves in this area. I read somewhere:

"It's easier to give birth to a child, than to raise him well"

Kid's body and brain development is affected due to screen time. I researched about this all, and that's how, I'm writing about this.

World health organization
has issued no screen time for kids under the age of two years. Kids older than this shouldn't have more than one hour of screen time (including tv,tabs and mobile phone).

Now let me fill you in about how it effects a child.

1.Improper Brain development and social skills

When children born there brain growth is only 25%, this increases upto 80% at the age of 3years and 90% at the age of 5years. Radiation from mobile screens can restrict this growth.

  • Brain of a child has many brain cells which connect with each other through experience and when they interact with their environment and parents.



  • Those kids who are on their phones, and their parents don't bother about it, they don't interact with their kids, this leads to improper motor skills which are involve in language skills and physical movement of the body.

  • Such kids don't observe and show response to their surroundings. They grow up with poor social skills and confidence.

"Early infancy is a time of swift development and can be used to adjust family living patterns to
improve health." Says director-general of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

  • Entertainment and violent shows which can be seen even in the shows for kids(like ninja turtles), affects the cognitive brain development(involves in learning).
    On the other hand educational content doesn't cause kind of problems mentioned above.

2.Screen Addiction leads to stress

  • Do you feel happiness or pleasure, when you watch your favourite show? Yes i do feel it. This is called dopamine release in the brain, which is a hormone. This naturally releases after we get our work done.

  • In the case of screen, after every show, or game level, or music, or social media, it releases. If we stuck at a certain level in our shows, dopamine level also stops there. We don't feel any happiness. Because we become immune to it.

  • Those addicted to it, want more happiness, so they level up their games and shows, more intense the level, more is the dopamine rushes into the brain and we feel more happiness.

This is called addiction to Dopamine. That's why kids and teenagers are on their phones all the time, seeking happiness.

  • Problems occur when they've seen everything, tried everything, nothing is new, no happiness shot. That's when another hormone releases in the brain called cortisol(stress hormone). Next time you watch your kids yelling, frustrated or fighting with each other, without any apparent reason, this could be the case there.
  • They find everthing boring outside their gadgets of advanced technology, where the life is not fast. Watch out parents, here is your job to connect with your children and indulge with them. Also look out for physical affects of overused screens on kids.


  • Kindly set a maximum of one hour's screen time for kids older than 2years.

  • Don't put your toddlers on screen, let them crawl and explore their surroundings, that will help them build a healthy body.

Those children who play in the mud and those who don't aren't the same



  • Read to them, play with them, explore with them.

Because they are the future, and we can't afford already frustrated kids in this frustrated world:)

P.S: I watch Masha and the Bear too❤

 2 years ago (edited)

I was completely indulged in your blog it's literally on point.. we being young generation are also very addictive to mobile phones.. once I remember I went to the Kunhar River, Balakot I was enjoying the view and playing with the water suddenly my foot slipped at that time I wasn't worried about myself but for my mobile phone 🤣 Thank God water was shallow at that place.
Indeed new mothers are also responsible for their kids addiction towards these devices even though the kids of preschool also have their own tabs , I remember when we were at that stage we used geometry box as a phone and were very happy with our life 😂😂 oh yeah that "chaiyan chaiyan phone" 🤣🤣 how can I forget this..

 2 years ago 

hahahahahahaha i used to have panic attacks, whenever phone slips. Now don't feel anything about my dheet phone.

we were innocent creatures, that chaiyan chaiyan wala phone was the whole world to us, and that 090078609 phone calls were so fun😂

These kids now a days don't know our struggles😂

 2 years ago 

Hahahah that 090078601 call telefun telefun 🤣

Very interesting and an extremely important post. This blog points out the things going wrong in our households on daily basis. I know cartoons and children's shows are a very common thing in this modern era but I remember, my brothers and I didn't have a television at home and we turned out just fine

In these time, I know, it's really hard to stop a vhild from watching TV or using Mobile Phones. Sometimes it frustrates me as well, observing my young cousins spending all their time on YouTube, while their parents sit there in misery and helplessness.

I think, these children should be trained from the very start. I am against showing anger to children but an occasional scolding would be beneficial for children these days.

 2 years ago 

I think children are not culprits here, it's the parents. Who gave them gadgets, they are the providers. That's why it is so important to train parents about parenting these days.

Old methods that parents used to control the kids won't work in this world now, and parents need to accept it.

You have told very well about the children that in today's technology, children see a lot of internet youtube many more.

 2 years ago 

Very informative post ,now nee momiess of this century thought mobile is the only thing to make Thier kids busy , There are alot of activity they can do with them,

Those children who play in the mud and those who don't aren't the same

This is very true 👍👍

 2 years ago 

There needs to put a conscious effort in your child's upbringing.

 2 years ago (edited)

You have discussed a very important point here. Parenting these days is a real challenge. It can be easy and difficult at the same time but the ease will bring its repercussions along with it. I never give phone to my daughter for more than an hour that too not everyday. I keep her busy in colouring painting etc. I can bear the mess but can't bear the crankiness that comes with screen time. parents admit or not kids get really cranky after watching cartoons. plus, even if we allow them, the choice of cartoons for our kids is also a big task now. stuff that are strictly against our religious values and culture are being embedded in our kids through these cartoons.

 2 years ago 

Good to see that you're mindfuly raising your kids👏, i see mothers give tabs to their kids, just to shut their chatter box.

 2 years ago 

I know! It's so difficult to deal with a new schooler and a baby, but I just don't want to make her a gadget addict that too at such a young age, i believe she won't be able to explore the world peoperly this way! no doubt it costs my sanity xD

 2 years ago 


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