For Better Life || The Diary Game || 07-04-2022 || Lovely day of Ramadan || by @aktrazee || 10% pay out to @pak-charity

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago


Hi! Everyone Hope you all are good and living a healthy and beautiful life with your beautiful family in this holy month Ramadan.


Just like a child comes out of the house playing and comes home with dirty clothes and his mother washes him thoroughly and cleans him, That he looks very beautiful and lovely. In the same way, Allah Almighty cleanses us from Evils and sins and makes us beautiful and clean like this child, and for that, Allah has blessed Ramadan. Ramadan is a month which is a very special gift from Allah Almighty which He made specially for the forgiveness of His servants and to make them more pious.



May Allah Almighty help us to benefit from the blessings of this Ramadan, so friends, today I am posting after a few days because I was very busy and I could not post due to some home business. Despite my all efforts I could not sleep last night and I stayed awake till the time of Sheri I have noticed one thing that whenever I stay awake for Sheri then I eaten Sheri very well but if I fall asleep then I have to eat by force.


Whether it is Sheri or Iftar, everyone has their own choice. Different things are made in our house. Some of us drink takes tea, some drinks Lassi. Similarly, some have to eat eggs in Sheri and some people need curry.

Any way I eat Sheri and made the intention of fasting before Allah. as usual after Sheri I offered Namaaz. And the pleasure of sleeping after the morning prayers in Ramadan have another level of peace and comfort.




When I woke up at about ten o'clock, I was ready to university. When I was ready to go, I remembered that an assignment is still incomplete. I completed it quickly and got off my bike and went out for university. Study is going on perfectly normal even in the universities, because of Ramadan, everyone seems to have cool and calm. There should be a complete holiday in Ramadan so that we can fast in peace. But that doesn't happen because time is of the essence.


U.O.S 12 o'clock

By the way, in a normal routine, there is a lecture of one and a half hours, but due to Ramadan, the lecture time has been reduced to only 45minutes. Throughout my university studies and even after coming back home, I did not feel fast at all. Thank God the weather is not too hot either. The heat is rising very fast but still the heat has not intensified as it has become difficult to complete the fast.




Before leaving the university I wanted to offer Assar prayers, Usually I reach home before Assar and mostly I used to offer Assar prayers in the village but due to some reason i have to stay here. This mosque is more beautiful on the inside than it is on the outside. The object attached to it has been used beautifully which adds to the beauty of the mosque.

The size of the mosque has already been increased and it was to be made more spacious to accommodate more worshipers. But the mosque has not only been enlarged but also made more beautiful. The variety of stones in it add to its beauty.





I am reading a book Halim in the last few days and I had completed the first part of it so, I had a little time, so I thought about buy second part of it but It was very difficult to find it and after searching from one or two book stores, it was finally found. This book is very interesting. Nimrah Ahmed's other novels are also very good. Because I wasn't reading any other book at the moment and It was lying in my closet, So just reading, I had read a whole first part.




When I got home, I took a bath with and immediately after taking a bath I fell asleep and I really want to sleep because I was feeling fast. I fall a sleep about one and half hour. I was just asleep when the smell of chicken bones wake me up. There was about half an hour left to break the fast, and chicken smell was so good My mouth watered. any way I had to waited So I tried to help my family to prepare aftari.


The best thing about Iftar is that you sit with your whole family with great patience. This is not always the case because not everyone can get together in a normal routine. And this is possible only through Ramadan. Ramadan teaches us many things, if we want to learn. Many of our problems can be solved automatically if we start living our whole life like a month of Ramadan. May Allah help us to live our whole life like Ramadan. This is a very blessed month that comes in our life.



As I told you all that after Iftar everybody don't feel like doing anything, everyone tries to relax but still I was making this post for all of you so that you guys read and you guys Enjoy it. I have already mentioned that I am posting this post after many days but from now on I will continue to post regularly in this great community. And I will do my best to post whatever I post in the future in a good way and as @haidermehdi Bhai guide and explained us in the previous session.

Humble request

One of your requests to all of you was to take care of the needy people sounding you , especially during the month of Ramadan, to take care of the people who cannot beg. And everyone should try to set some beneficiaries for @pak-charity. Friends, in my today's post, I hope you guys liked it.


Specially thanks to @haidermehdi
Your Beloved @aktrazee
Know more about me



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 2 years ago 
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Account operated by hassanabid

 2 years ago 

Such a amazing pictures, delicious foods, tasty.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

I also like Umera and Nimra Ahmed novels. I used to read alot but now I don't get time for reading.

And yes

The best thing about Iftar is that you sit with your whole family with great patience.

This is the most beautiful thing of the Ramadan. The whole family sit together. May Allah pak accept our patience.

 2 years ago 

Ameen & Thank You

 2 years ago 

You had a good day indeed! Food is amazing!

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Such a delicious food great weldone 🌼

 2 years ago 

The mosque looks very Pretty MashAllah <3 Nice diary keep it up :)

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