Weekly Engagement Week # 17 || My Favorite Hobby!

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)


Hi every one. Today i will talk about my hobby. As far as my hobby is concerned i have noticed that some of our hobbies got changed with the passage of time. Like in student life i used to read alot. I can't even go to sleep until i read anything. It can be a newspaper, an article or some novel. As times passes, life demands more from you. Sometimes you need to compromise on the things you loved most. This is also the beauty of life. So in my life for most of the time span my hobby was reading books and novels. But after marriage my life and my priority got changed. Now what i love most and what i used to do in free time is cooking. Its not the hobby that i have adopted all of a sudden, i used to cook and love to cook before as well. But now i have plenty of time at home so i can easily spend a good time in my hobby.


Cooking for me is not just a hobby rather healthy cooking is what i prefer most. I searched alot while trying anything new whether its healthy, it contains all necessary neutrients or not. For this reason i mostly avoid using white sugar. Instead i use brown sugar or honey.



This honey is not just the ordinary one. I have asked my husband to brought me from his native village. And this os for sure its healthy and pure.
So whenever i cook i try my best to make it healthy as well.
After my little daughter that is 10 months old i used to love cooking even more. Since she has started eating solids my hobby is more focused on introducing her the new flavours in unique way.
Like i made for her oat porridge with strawberries and melon.

It contains not only the neutrients of grain as oats but the vitamins through two major fruits as well. Strawberries are a bit sour so i compensate the sweatness by adding melon. I think my daughter has given my hobby a different look.
Once i tried strawberries and melon shake as well. It sounds odd, the combination of melon with the strawberries.


But believe me its worth the try. Melon give the shake a very creamy and rich texture


I haven't searched these recipes anywhere, rather i used to look in my fridge for any possible ingredients that can goes together well and i just give that the try. Sometimes this new experience succeed and sometimes the taste won't come as good as i was expecting. But i feel happy about trying something new and unique.

I had tried two very common drinks that we mostly have ordered from restaurants. Mint margarita and iced tea. It was my first experience to try out these drinks at home.


Taste comes out to be more good than my expectations. I watched few videos on the recipe and then i tried for myself. I feel very satisfied with the feeling that i can give healthy meal to my family by satisfying my hobby as well. The time i spend in the kitchen is the one i feel most energetic and active in the whole day.

Its not just about trying something new all the time, but i even love to cook the traditional meals that we used to cook daily. Although its a duty and responsibility sort of thing but even then i enjoy it alot. To me this cooking is not just a duty that i have to do, its my hobby, its something i love to do whenever i got free.
Whether its about biryani or about making potatoes chaat for fulfilling the munching, its all i like to do the most.



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