Betterlife || The Diary Game || April 08, 2021 || Off From School

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Hi every one. I woke up on time today so had time to eat something in breakfast. I had bread with tea.


Its not something healthy but when you are in hurry, this breakfast is enough to let you feel full. Water shortage is as it is and its not the day of water so i had to keep on the water from storage tank. A pile of cloths has also gathered and i have planned to do the washing tomorrow.
Today at school i asked my principal about taking a day off tomorrow. Actually water will be supplied at 7 in morning till 11am. I can just have time to fill the storage tank before leaving for school. By the time i will be back, water will be stopped. I have to do the washing and this can only be done if i would be at home. Luckily she accepted and gave me the day off.
Afternoon and Evening
I was having cravings for something sweet today. I inspected the fridge and found melon there. So before meal i had some melons.


Even after eating melons i still don't feel any urge to eat something salty. So i decided to cook barley porridge. I cooked it in milk and water.


Although wheat porridge is easy to cook and get cooked in no matter of time but barley porridge is more healthy than wheat. Moreover taste of wheat porridge is more sweet and tasty. But its all about the nutrients. So this was the reason i kept using barley porridge over wheat one.
After that i did cleaning of home. Few days back i brought the organic and pure mustard oil. Basically i bought it for the massage of my little one.


I used to give her massage and bath daily. I heard about mustard oil being very beneficial and has soothing effects on baby's skin.
So i gave her the massage and then bath as well.
Sometimes its very difficult to decide what to cook today. Its the day when i was getting very confused about what to cook. At one time my mind said about cooking potatoes rice and at another instant it said to cook pulse instead. Then i brainstormed and realized if i would be cooking pulse then i had to make roti as well. This leads to kneading the dough as well. On the other hand if i would be cooking potatoes rice then i will not be making roti nor i need to kneed the dough. So i cooked potatoes rice today.


Its all for today. See you tomorrow.


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