Betterlife || The Diary Game || April 04, 2021 || Ache due to flu

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Hi every one. Yesterday in the middle of night suddenly my face started to ache allot. Specially on the jaw line and on eyes. I realized it was due to the flu. By the time i woke up, this pain was worst ever i felt. I was even unable to open up my mouth to eat something or to talk.
I took the off from school as i was in no condition to go anywhere today. Within an hour i felt fever and when i checked, i was having fever. I didn't understand why suddenly i had so much of this pain. Literally i wanted to cry in pain. I had the melon and guava in breakfast because i didn't feel any urge to eat.

My husband woke up and before going to office he offered me to visit the doctor. I asked him that let me have steam after every hour and see how it goes. If i don't feel any improvement then i will let you know.

Afternoon and Evening

From morning till noon took steam about 6 7 times but i don't feel any improvement. Just a little bit of relieve after taking steam and then the pain get worse.
Meanwhile i noticed the cat in my balcony.


He is the culprit to make mess of the balcony. Don't know from where they found out to make this place their part place. I was too tired today to even done the cleaning of rest of the house, balcony was an add on. So i left that at it is.
By evening my fever got very high and pain was super unbearable. I decided to reach for my cousin who is a doctor. I texted her and described all of my symptoms. She further asked few questions like are you having tooth ache, body aches, difficulty in closing eyes etc. Then she suggested an over the counter anti inflammatory tablet to have along with Panadol.
I was unable to go outside and buy the medicine. So i requested one of my neighbor to buy me the medicine and fruit bun as i was unable to eat anything.




Thanks to my neighbor, she brought me the medicine and i took that immediately. I had to take these for three days twice a day. So taking just a single dose has not done very good so far. Just a little relief from pain and fever goes down due to Panadol.
I had to cook as well so i made potatoes peas gravy in really very bad mood. I was not having any urge to even taste the salt and spices.


It was the toughest day ever and i realized how some pains can make you feel bad or even worse.
Its all for today. See you tomorrow.

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