The diary game 19-12-21 'Last paper finally' {10% to @steemit-pak}

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago
Assalamualaikum dear people. I am doing good Alhmdulillah and hope you're well too. It was finally the last day of my midterm exams of 3rd semester and you can think how happy and relaxed would I be. This is the reason I'm writing a diary after too long.


Let's start with the day

I woke up at 6am and started writing a speech. You may think it was sunday and why would someone has a paper this day but for our university, holidays are nothing at the time of the exams.

I was writing a persuasive speech beacuse the nature of this paper was different. It was the exam of the course Oral communication which basically teaches us how to communicate effectively and writing and giving speeches and presentations in the best manner.
So today we had to give a persuasive speech on any of the topic of our choice and relate atleast one point of it with psychology or mental health. I chose a topic Forgiveness let's learn to forgive in which I exphasized on the two main aspects of forgiveness that are 'why can't some people forgive and the powers we gain when we learn to forgive. I took some stories and quotes from google to add in my speech and as I had an exam on saturday too so I had just some hours to write and learn.

At 9:30 I started getting ready and left home at 10:20. On the way to university I was trying to learn the speech. Was feeling too tensed because I didn't practice it the way I usually do before any kind of presentations.

I was afarid to go inside the class but had to go in time becuase it was a paper and late comers weren't allowed.


The first speech got started. I didn't give honest attention to the first few students as I had to learn my own. My roll number is 0049 so I had a good amount of time but something bad happened. Our time got passed and the second shift started which was the time of the other section of our batch. Some 7 students were left of our section along with me. We weren't really feeling comfortable as it wasn't our class but couldn’t do anything unfortunately. I went out from the class for 10 to 15 mins for some preparation as my heart was beating too fast.

It was my turn finally. With the shaking legs I went to the rostrum and started it.

I started my speech with 2 basic questions so that audience could relate to my points and then added some motivational, logical and classical facts in it.
I have experienced toungue roller many times due to anxiety and they really scare me now because at the time you're presenting something, they just shatter your confidence. Anyway my speech was of like 4 to 5 minutes and Alhamdulillah it went perfectly. I can say perfect because of the teacher's remarks. She said It wouldn't be wrong to say that it was the best speech until now which actually persuaded us. Excellent style of speaking and everything. And that's why no questions from you. I honestly didn't add anything to it and these are the words of mam which have been recorded in the video made by my classmate. Besides I don't wanna be a self praiser.

I didn't go to university on monday when mam gave results so my friend took a picture and sent to me. I got 92 out of 100 which were the highest in the class but I still am wondering why did she cut my marks in the section where it wasn't really required. Anyway don't think I'm ungrateful. 😀


After getting free from the exam, We went to the food court to have something. Can't tell you how much relaxed I was feeling honestly. We ordered a chaat (that was so bad), sandwich and fries.


I came back from university at 4 and was feeling super tired. You know I hadn't slept for days. Like I used to take naps only. So it was the time of relaxation Alhamdulillah. But the question is until when? 😀 Going to have final exams soon. 😪

Took a bath as usual, prayed Asar and went to bed. I slept for an hour. And then when I got bored from using phone, I thought of celeberating my independence by using all the new balloons of Affan (younger brother) and by ordering some desert kind of thing which I did.


I just played with Affan and balloons and it was the time to do the dishes after which I played pubg after so long and enjoyed it.

Screenshot_20211008-165737_PUBG MOBILE.jpg

That's all for the day. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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Honestly i know that you are very much talented in terms of giving speeches :p
glad to hear that your mids are now finished and now i hope you would be staying active with us :)

 3 years ago 

I'd try to be but let's see until when 👀 😀

Wa alaikum Salam @afifaasif
Your speech is very Good. Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

 3 years ago 

You chose an amazing topic... Congratulations for getting highest marks❤️

 3 years ago 

Yeah I chose a topic on which I myself agree ❤
Thanks ❣

I got 92 out of 100 which were the highest in the class but I still am wondering why did she cut my marks.

You made me laugh at this😁😁😂 now what's next? And tell me know you are going to be regular here from now or still gonna show your face like😁 eid ka chand.

 3 years ago 

Awh I know you would've missed me 😀🤩❤


 3 years ago 

Waoo What a day ....I am enjoying to read 😊😊😊😊

 3 years ago 

I'm glad that you enjoyed reading it.
Thankyou 💖

 3 years ago 

Definitely Welcome 💕

 3 years ago 

I want that donuts 🤤 Sahi bat hai q Katy itny num 😂 enjoy reading your dairy ❤️😃

 3 years ago 

Order krlain 😛
Yeah I just want explanation!!
Thanks ❣

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

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 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Congratulations dear on your good result and many prays for you final exams 💖💖

 3 years ago 

Thankyou 💖

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