I'm so glad I got my hands on the John. F Kennedy Half dollar, This coin is an icon
There are so many wonderful and beautiful coins out there that has so meaning and power. One of those coins is the Kennedy coin. when I first came into contact with this coin I was shocked because I never had one and I heard about people mentioning. The Kennedy coin is a great coin if you ever have one in your possession I don't recommend turning it in for the next 3o years. The reason why I say that because they are worth a fortune. I have about two of them in a case so that nothing won't happen to it. I always check on it once awhile to see if its damage or needs to be clean sometimes because if you let metal sit there for awhile it can get dirty and start to build rust. usually I would spray some alcohol on it get rid of the germs and making sure the surfaces are well furnished.
The reason why I love this coin because it heavy, big and the designs on it are very powerful. I like this coin it brings me good luck. I remember I had to take a biological exam I kiss the coin and said a little pray in my head and I got a 89 on the test. I also used this coin for my SAT test because I remember I didn't study for it and I remember getting a 1500. I know that's a not high score but I felt happy about it. From time to time in the past I use to use this coin as a good luck charm. I can say that I had this coin for 10 years and the quality is very strong and durable. These coins last a very long time if you take care of it and keep it in good condition.
The half dollar was first minted in 1964 , issued by the united states. After John. F Kennedy death they put him on the coin. I think that was great thing the U.S congress did because In my eyes I believe John F. Kennedy was great president back in the 60's. He accomplish so many things because those times were rough because you had the civil rights movement, vietnam, racism and discrimination going on.
During this era John.F. kennedy accomplish a lot of things on his presidency. For example, he got the U.S out of reccession. He created the anti creation reccession program this helped Americans get jobs back. This was important because during those time unemployment was extremely high. He also help decrease inflation because prices on everything was extremely expensive to purchase. John f Kennedy also slow down nuclear arms race and to protect the environment from radioactive contamination. Kennedy began to make negogations with the soviet leader to address a treaty ban for nuclear weapons. In 1963 the treaty ban was signed and approved. John f. kennedy also he agree to make an economic alliance with Latin America. He did this between 1961 to 1967 this allow the U.S to trade goods and resources to one another. Also this build a positive relationship because in the past they didn't get along with each other.
Another thing John F. Kennedy do was worked towards civil rights for African Americans. During these times was very rough for African Americans began was against racism, discrimination. They were limited to so much things in society that made them impossible to do. John. F. Kennedy step in by helping doing an executive order in 1962 to banned segregration in federally housing. He helped African Americans get access to equal rights to public school and voting rights.
As you see looking at Kennedy accomplishments this is the reason why he is on the dollar coin because he made a positive impact on the U.S he went beyond and above to make U.S a better place to live in and grow.