RE: Make Turtle Island Great Again… Canada + USA + Mexico
uffff, that will never happen, not with Trump he´s totally against having all the poor Mexicans in this MEGA-Land even if he likes to get Canada in the House, but I dont count on that with a high possibillity to happen either.
And not forget with all the staff who is actually serving this nationstates (excluded Mexico) this would lead to nothing good, I guess the negative american way to steer things globaly with lies, shadowarmies, and military in comanders seat with not even 10% respect for the rest of the world -it might be better to stay where they are and learn to behave like a normal individual-, or and that´s the tiny little chance to make up something better , when the people of Canada and the US will kick out all that warmongering elites and ban them in Antarctica or maybe for better weather conditions in Guantanamo ;)
We the people should be the normal (all over the world), not we the government who rules you (hehe and takes your money to make things better for you)
Sorry. Too late.
The people of America have Spoken. They want Trump and Elon Musk to Rule the World
hehe I know, but hey hope that the people will not be upset after 4 years when nothing really has changed than, because they both will not work for the people but more for themselfs and their companies to enrich even more ;)
I hope that at least they´ll be positive (in the long run) for Bitcoin, we will see but I have my doubts about most of that.
Bitcoin will take care of itself. There will be many opportunities to buy some Really big dips
yes indeed, that´s as clear as the blue sky here in Andalusia Spain ;)
indeed !!!
Thank you for your support @steemcurator08 and @nishadi89 you´re welcome ;)