Weight Loss Diet: Eat these 4 things for breakfast, belly fat will melt like butter.

in CybeRN2 years ago (edited)

Healthy Breakfast:- If we want to live a healthy life, then we have to start the day brilliantly, so it is important to eat things for breakfast to keep the body healthy.



Breakfast Diet For Weight Loss:- If you also want to lose weight fast, then this news is of your use. In the present era, people are falling prey to obesity due to poor diet, stress and busy lifestyle. When weight increases, it is very difficult to reduce it, especially reducing belly fat is even more difficult.

breakfast diet to reduce belly fat:-
Belly fat not only looks bad but can also cause many diseases. Obesity increases the risk of dangerous diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, increased uric acid and diabetes. This is the reason why it is better if it is reduced during this time. If you include certain foods in breakfast, then your belly fat will decrease rapidly.

1. Lemon and Honey
To reduce belly fat and weight, squeeze half a lemon in a glass of lukewarm water every morning and drink it on an empty stomach. If you want, you can also add a spoonful of honey to it.

2. Yogurt
Yogurt, rich in calcium and protein, helps in reducing weight. Along with this, it also manages the amount of protein in the body. People who want to reduce their belly fat can include this fiber and protein rich yogurt in breakfast.

3. simile(Upama)

The cimolina element present in Upma helps in controlling weight, as well as it promotes good cholesterol. However, keep in mind that always make the upma in less oil.

4. Moong Dal Chila
Apart from digestive fiber, moong dal cheela also contains a good amount of protein. It is considered a very healthy option for breakfast. The fiber present in it helps in reducing belly fat. In such a situation, you can include moong dal cheela in your breakfast.


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