Song of the Westcliffe Witch | Tale of a good witch

in Musiclast year (edited)

There are a number of townspeople in a small mountain community who truly believe that a witch, or the spirit of a witch, lives in the woods a few miles to the Southwest of their town.
They say that sometimes, just after dark, a beautiful song can be heard emanating from deep within the shadows of the dark forest. It is a female voice, a haunting voice, singing and chanting in an unfamiliar language they do not understand.
Some folks say they have ventured into those woods and claim they have personally heard the witch's song circling around them. They swear that the mesmerizing melody has mysterious power. A transforming power that instantly heals a broken spirit and rejuvenates a tired soul. An uplifting power that brings lasting joy to the heart of the hearer. A joy they say has forever changed their lives.
However, the truth of the matter is that other than a fleeting shadow here and there, no one has actually seen the Westcliffe Witch. Are the stories of the townspeople fact or fiction? Is the song they claim to hear simply being conjured in their minds by the wind blowing through the trees? Or, could it be nothing more than a tall tale they tell to entertain the tourists? Who knows?
Still, if you're ever passing through a small mountain town and notice a forest to the Southwest, it might be in your best interest to venture into those woods, find a comfortable spot in the shadows, and wait patiently for the sun to set behind the moutain and the twilight to fade into darkness.
Then maybe, just maybe, if you happen to be in the right place at the right time, the Westcliffe Witch may decide to come and sing her song of transformation just for you.


Hello, hello... is there anybody out there? Does anyone ever listen to the music here? Does anyone ever leave comments here? Is this the ghost town of the internet?

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