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RE: Among Us tournement

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago


This is my second piece that should have been my first if not for the fact that I can't delete my very first piece. This piece is and should be scored TEN because of the fact that it can't turn one checkmate.

 4 years ago (edited)

btw "[...] is unable to harm this unit" Are this units able to cast ablities on him in order to perify him?
Obviously there is no t1-check mate.

What is "harm"? And what's the point of "harming"? The most common one are "physical pain" and "to inflict pain physically", respectively. But when I said "harm" it is most certainly mean "an action that could and might harm those". It would mean that anything that would deliberately ail something count as harming that something. For example, casting a petrify count as harming even if it does not inflict physical injury, as it is an act that would harm the affected unit in the sense that it will be very vulnerable. So to answer your question, nothing bad will happen to this unit as this unit cannot be harmed in any way possible.

 4 years ago (edited)

This unit is a turn 1 checkmater because of its moveset and the fact that it has "Range 7 Augmented: Attack enemy king. There's no need to read any more of the description as it's random nonsense about summoning queens and making units immune to attacks or losing morale/gaining morale for your own kings death.
Also 7/10 balance

You've fallen for a classic trap, where the description contains important tidbits such as "cannot attack if allied king is still alive".

what if you enable remove king from army glitch?
or if your king dies turn 1 also because the opponent turn 1 checkmated you (or had a rook and a ghost)

Nooooo, you were supposed to not notice that way I could win by tricking people What do you mean? It doesn't say that in the description