RE: Short Film: The Black Hole
Entertainment is like everything else. Where some find their relieve others have stress or fall into rage due to how they have been raised, always seeing the downside. I noticed people changed. We always were an open minded country with joking people, whistling, singing and now we deal with many who love to have the profits but don't care about our culture, humour, entertainment. Their long toes are hard to avoid and I doubt if always seeing yourself as the pityful one helps to fight the struggles of life.
Entertainment is indeed a great help to loosen up. Good to hear it worked for you. It took some time for my son to understand irony and sarcasm (it's hard if words are taken literally like is the case with those with a high IQ, thinkers and autism) but he learned it (no option left I guess with our family) but I do notice a huge difference between cultures if it comes to 'funny'.
People like Rowan Atkinson and some Dutch comedians (good with words/word play) and the comedian Urbanus in his younger days (Belgium) have more than my interest. Artists with words just like some musicians.
Rowan Atkinsons once said (c19 period) that we should fight to keep black humour alive and I agree. It's important to have a good laugh more than once about one's own or others misery, situations, rediculous acts without being punished and being labelled as a therorist.
Thanks for the talk!