Recipe for stir-fry white mustard greens

in Knack4buzz20 days ago

Chicory is a vegetable that not only contains high fiber and nutrients, but is also low in calories, so it is useful for reducing cholesterol. Chicory is often prepared by stir-frying, which provides a delicious and satisfying taste even though it is a simple cooking method.


Below I will tell you or share several simple recipes for stir-fried white mustard greens which are effective for lowering cholesterol and very easy to serve.




5 pieces of white mustard greens (cut according to taste)
Vegetable oil (as needed)
3 cloves garlic (thinly sliced)
3 red onions (thinly sliced)
5 bird's eye chilies (sliced ​​obliquely)
Salt to taste)
Sugar (to taste)
Pepper powder (to taste)
Chicken stock powder (as needed)

How ​​to make:

Heat a little oil in a frying pan, then saute the shallots and garlic until they smell fragrant.

Add the cayenne pepper and white mustard greens, then stir until evenly mixed.

Add salt, sugar and chicken stock powder according to your taste

Cook for approximately 10 minutes or until the mustard greens are wilted and cooked.

Taste and adjust the taste. Remove the stir-fried mustard greens when they are cooked and serve while still hot.

What are the benefits of mustard greens for the body?

Mustard greens, as a dark green leafy vegetable, offer many health benefits.

These vegetables are rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients which are essential to support overall body health.

Even though it has a low calorie content, mustard greens are still a rich source of micronutrients such as vitamins A, C and K, as well as minerals such as calcium and manganese.

Can you eat collard greens for cholesterol?

For individuals with a history of high cholesterol, consuming mustard greens could be a wise choice.

Mustard greens are famous for their ability to help lower cholesterol levels.

This is caused by the content of cholesteramine compounds in it which plays a role in binding bile acids in the digestive system.

Can gout sufferers eat mustard greens?

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and mustard greens are ideal choices for gout sufferers because they are low in purines and rich in vitamins and minerals.

These vegetables help in a gout-friendly diet. For example, asparagus is also a vegetable with low purine content and high nutrition.

Just a glimpse of my experience regarding chicory dishes, hopefully it's useful

 20 days ago 

@muniss have you any relationship with this account of user @stroc ?

No, actually I'm just close, you could say in the same area, when the munis incident happened I found out, he was the one who introduced this community, he was also the one who deleted my posts in this community, I didn't pay attention to the post, suddenly the post wasn't there, I called him earlier, why was my post also deleted? Is that my fault?

Actually, may I know what happened to Muniss, he said it was just an ordinary incident, a problem with the post, is it true?

Can we chat via WhatsApp? This is SA number 082276859393

No, stroc, my cousin lives in the countryside, a few years ago I met him at my grandmother's place, I introduced him to a wap that could make money, he played for a few months after that he didn't play he said he was gardening in a place where he was gardening there was no signal, if there was it was intermittent , about the last 2 months I met at the wawak's place, because there was a social gathering event, he said,, my brother has started to be active again now, about 2 or 3 months, he asked me to join the community This and that, I didn't believe it, after several days I was silent about what he said, I finally tried it. It is true.


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