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RE: Donor Darah Ceria Bersama Kawan-kawan
After donating blood, we were given mineral water, green bean water and snacks, that was all.
After listening to your reasoning, I began to fear, to feel the cruelty of the bad guys. How can they mix something into the blood. They take advantage of other people's pain. I firmly believe that evil people will receive punishment from God.
IF blood is not clean or checked you have those situations like spreading HIV (the result is aids) which happened in the past. Now they also mix the blood of unvaxxed people with those who are vaxxed (also not good) and there are more diseases which can be transmitted by blood transfusions.
The donor organs is a big business and not every country works the same if it comes to removing the organs. The donars aren't dead and the can feel pain and there were huge scandals about how the deseased looked after the organs were taken (faces in terrible pain) and next to that also more organs are taken as permission was given to and there's a lot more.
I don't want to live if others have to die for me and not one but many to make me live a few years longer and also take pills and feeling forced to be grateful and happy. I rather die. If I did it's my time that's how I see it. There's no need to live forever or get old with painful joints and all those other diseases people suffer from. Even if the mind is sill present and smart our skeleton is not made to last forever and neither are the organs.
It's about how we live not how long we live and if it comes to health there's a lot we can do ourselves and I also admit that I don't want any organ of me be given to an alcoholic or drugs addict or someone who always lived unhealthy.
A happy Sunday fried,
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